Hero Of Heart 5582

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5582

They had long been commanded by God, knowing that everyone on their ship would not escape death.

What’s even more cruel is that their final mission is to personally destroy the ship and everyone on it.

And the condition for Lord England to let them die generously is to give their family members freedom after their death.

For these people, if they don’t understand the medicine, sooner or later they will die,

instead of doing this, they might die and give their families a chance.

In fact, these people are different from the Cavalry Guards, and they are also different from the dead.

They were Parker Qianshuo’s confidants.

When Parker Qianshuo brought them here to take office, their family members didn’t follow along, nor could they.

From the moment they took office, they bore the attributes of self-destruction.

Once this place needs to be destroyed, they are the executors of self-destruction.

And the reason why God arranged this just in case, once there was a big problem at a certain station,

they can complete self-destruct in a short time, completely cutting off all risks.

Their family is the key to their generous death.

Parker Qianshuo looked at the current time and said:

“It’s almost time, get ready to sink the ship.”

The leader nodded, and with his men, he placed aimed explosives at the bow and stern of the ship.

After finishing all this, several people returned to Parker Qianshuo, handed the detonator to Parker Qianshuo, and respectfully said:

“Milord, you can detonate it at any time.”

Parker Qianshuo took the detonator and asked him: “Are all the exits sealed?”

“Make sure nothing floats to the surface after the ship sinks,

otherwise, if other ships see it, they will realize that the ship has sunk.”

The man cupped his hands and said:

“Don’t worry, my lord, all the cabins are sealed, all the doors and windows are also closed, and the goods in the storeroom are all fixed with a very tight iron net.”

“Once the explosion is triggered, the sea water will flood in an instant, and the ship will be very fast.”

“The ship will sink, and no one will come to the surface.”

“As for the shards produced by the explosion, since they are all made of iron, they will sink to the bottom soon and won’t float to the surface of the sea, so you can rest assured.”

Parker Qianshuo Nodding his head, he said:

“Now we’re the only ones who haven’t settled down. Come with me and go to the captain’s cabin.”

At this time, several people also regarded death as home, nodded heavily, and picked up the wine glass.

Parker Qianshuo clinked glasses with several people, raised his head and drank the spirit in the cup, then picked up his detonator, and pressed it without thinking.

Suddenly, two muffled sounds rang out from the cargo hold at the bottom of the ship, and two large holes about one meter in diameter were blown out in the bow and stern of the ship.

Large amounts of seawater quickly poured into the cabins, and the freighter immediately started sinking at an extremely fast pace.

However, no one on the ship ran to escape in a hurry.

Since everyone but them was fast asleep in every cabin right now,

Parker Qianshuo specially asked people to add a special medicine to their food so that they would all fall asleep.

Now, everyone is sealed in every cabin.

The frantic current of the sea did not wake these people, and they drowned one by one in their sleep.

Immediately, seawater began pouring into the captain’s cabin, Parker Qianshuo looked at death as if at home, and sat on the ground with several others until seawater filled the entire cabin.

Twenty minutes later, the 8,000-ton freighter completely sank into the sea.

Because the preparations were made long ago, after the cargo ship entered the sea, it left no other traces except for eddies on the surface of the sea.

The entire ship was like a huge cage, and sank to the bottom of the sea without looking back…