Hero Of Heart 5652

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5652

But it was only after he got to know Sarah Gu again and asked Stephen Tang,

he found out that in fact all of this was arranged by Stephen Tang from the start.

The reason why the orphanage isolated them was to protect them alone.

It was also years of isolation from the world that helped him escape everyone’s pursuit.

Whether it’s Charlie’s relative, a parent’s friend, or an enemy who wants Charlie’s life and destroys them,

they all set their target somewhere other than Aurous Hill after several years of fruitless searching.

No one could have imagined that after so many years and so many people digging in Aurous Hill,

Charlie is still in town.

Now, after twenty years,

grandpa, grandma and uncle came here again, and through Duncan Li and Sarah Gu’s description,

Charlie knew that grandparents had never given up looking for themselves over the years,

so Deep inside Charlie, he also wanted to know his grandma’s family,

at least so that the two parents would stop worrying and blaming themselves for their unknown life and death.

However, when he thought that the Society of Warriors Den was still unwilling to let his grandparents’ family go,

he could only suppress this thought temporarily.

But grandpa and grandma had already arrived here, and judging from their postures,

they should have planned to stay here for a long time.

He will live under their noses for a long time in the future.

In this case, Charlie had to make sure not to reveal himself. It wasn’t easy to think about his identity.

However, even though his heart was filled with emotion, he still did not change his decision.

Charlie could only hope that my grandparents, who were close by, couldn’t find any leads to him.

Tonight, Charlie stayed up all night,

but grandparents, uncles, and Duncan Li who lived in Wanliu Villa all slept very well.

Nicolas An’s parents have long suffered from sleep disorders,

he had not slept well for at least ten years, and in recent years,

the time he actually slept was no more than five hours a day.

In most cases, he lay in bed around ten in the evening, tossing and turning until twelve in the morning.

He could hardly sleep around 1 o’clock, but he couldn’t sleep more than an hour,

so he would definitely wake up before one o’clock, and it would take another hour or two to fall asleep again.

The long-term sleep disturbance had caused her mental state to deteriorate,

which also exacerbated his worsening Alzheimer’s disease at another level.

But last night, the problem that had been going on for at least ten years seemed to be solved after he came to Aurous Hill.

After he took a shower last night, he slept until dawn.

He didn’t wake up once, nor did he dream, and he rarely seemed to sleep soundly through the night.

The wife on the side also felt the same way.

Although the grandmother does not have Alzheimer’s disease, she is getting older and it is difficult to guarantee the quality of her sleep.

But last night, like the old man, he slept until seven in the morning, and slept very well.

Because He was sleeping so soundly, the first feeling he felt when he opened his eyes was an indescribable and strong sense of relaxation.

Seeing that the old man looked so good, he subconsciously asked:

“Nicolas, how did you rest last night?”

Nicolas leaned back on the bed, still muttering in disbelief:

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in years.” I slept well.”

After that, he said again:

“Maybe due to fatigue yesterday, that’s why I slept so well…”

Soon after, he shook his head and muttered:

“It shouldn’t just be because of this… Maybe it has something to do with the environment here.

I saw my way here yesterday. It looks like there is a lake on the mountain. Feng Jing should be good,

but it was too late, so I didn’t see it. Obviously, with a good environment, people should be able to relax a lot. “

The old lady nodded slightly in agreement, and she also felt the same way.

In the next second, he suddenly looked at Nicolas An in horror, and said:

“Nicolas, do you still remember what happened yesterday?!”