Hero Of Heart 5696

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5696

The multibillion-dollar commercial real estate project, not to mention the downfall of Warnia, is almost rare even if you look at the world.

The total cost of Burj Khalifa in Dubai is only 1.5 billion US dollars, and the overall cost is more than 5 billion US dollars

it appears to be just the Apple headquarters building.

For the An family, although its overall strength is not as good as that of the Rothschilds or the Saudi royal family,

its real assets are still slightly better than Apple.

Eight billion US dollars was used to invest in commercial real estate in Aurous Hill,

enough to build a big little town.

For the An Family, even if the entire An Family headquarters were moved here,

it won’t cost you much money at all.

However, before Marshal An came,

the An family had reached an agreement that Warnia had a close relationship with the owner of the Rejuvenating Pill,

they have to make a project worth two or three billion dollars to cooperate with the Song family

to show their attitude.

And two or three billion dollars is just a base.

The An family had also long ago decided that if Warnia could confirm that the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill was the same person as the savior of the An family,

then they will show their sincerity to Warnia more.

Eight billion US dollars,

although it can’t be said drop by drop for the An family, it is indeed irrelevant,

after all, the eight billion US dollars was an investment, not a waste of money.

With an investment of US$8 billion, not including the cost of buying land, at least US$6 billion remains.

If all development work is left to the Song Group,

Song Group’s net profit will be about one billion US dollars,

which is already very impressive in terms of profits.

For the Song Group, the profit of one billion US dollars still ranks second.

The most important thing was that once the news cooperated with the An Family in the United States

to build an 8 billion US dollar An Family commercial real estate project,

it would definitely make the Song Group famous, and could even usher in the Song Group’s market value skyrocketing.

Although Charlie had vaccinated Warnia before and told her that the An family would show her enough sincerity,

he never imagined that the An family would promise him such a big project as soon as he spoke.

Marshal An saw Warnia shocked, with a face full of disbelief, knowing that her sincerity was enough,

so he said seriously:

“Miss Song, the Song Group has been involved in commercial real estate development for a long time,

I believe you you must understand that in a real estate development project,

no matter whether the investment is big or small,

actually the operation process is not much different, because the Song Group has managed a project worth 500 million US dollars,

8 billion US dollars should be no problem.”

Warnia came back to her senses and couldn’t help but ask:

“Master An, after all, Aurous Hill is only a second-level city in China, or a new first-level city,

and there is still a certain gap between Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Commercial real estate, isn’t the risk too high?”

Marshal said with a smile:

“Although Aurous Hill is only a new first tier city,

I am very optimistic about the future development of Aurous Hill. “

“Object of attention.”

Warnia asked suspiciously: “Why is Master An so optimistic about Aurous Hill?”

Marshal An said seriously:

“Although the auction of rejuvenation pills is attractive to the super rich. Now every city is seeking its own unique position

Take the United States of America for example, New York’s specialty is finance,

San Francisco specializes in technology

Los Angeles specializes in manufacturing and Houston specializes in aerospace. ,

and Detroit was characterized by auto manufacturing.”