Hero Of Heart 5931

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5931

Charlie’s three uncles and aunts said in unison: “Dad, we don’t mind!”

Charlie said at this time: “Grandpa, the An property belongs to the An family, not mine. I can’t accept it.”

Nicolas waved his hand and said, “Charlie, grandpa was rude to you.

Money is not important to the An family.

You are 60%, and the rest of your life will not be spent, it’s just a number,

but now you have to fight the Den Warriors Group, and you have to increase your strength in all aspects,

not to mention, this Society of Warriors Den is not yours alone

Your enemy is the enemy of our family,

and the money for the An Family can be completely spent in your hands.”

Charlie said with a smile: “Grandpa, I accept your kindness, but I really don’t lack money

What’s more, it’s just that money isn’t very useful for dealing with the Warriors Den.”

After that, Charlie took out two rejuvenating pills from his pocket, and said calmly:

 “Look at these two rejuvenating pills, the price of one can If it is sold for one or two hundred billion, or even two or three hundred billion, and it is still in US dollars,

if I am short of money, I can find a few rich people to trade personally, and I can quickly accumulate a large amount of wealth.”

Marshal looked at the rejuvenation pill, said somewhat shyly:

“Oh, this is the Rejuvenation Pill that I can’t buy for more than 300 billion US dollars…”

Charlie smiled and said: “Exactly.”

After he finished speaking, he handed these two pills to grandpa and grandma, and said:

“Grandfather and grandmother, these two pills are a small request from grandson, please accept them.

 You are getting old and have many diseases in your body.

If you drink it, you can extend your life by at least twenty years.”

Charlie’s grandparents all stepped back subconsciously, and grandma said repeatedly: “Charlie, this thing is Very precious,

You can deposit a large sum of money in exchange at any time, it would be too wasteful to give it to the two of us.”

Grandpa Nicolas also nodded and said: “Charlie, last time you asked your aunt to give grandpa some pills. Medicine, saved your grandfather’s life,

how could this grandfather of yours still want your pills?

What’s more, since my grandfather came to Aurous Hill, his body has obviously improved a lot, and even his Alzheimer’s disease has improved a lot.

It’s a relief, and your grandmother is also in good health, this time the rejuvenation pill can’t be wasted for both of us.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “You said that your health has improved a lot since you came to Aurous Hill. Did it improve during the few days you stayed at the villa?”

“Yes.” Nicolas nodded and said, “Just after staying at Wanliu Villa, my health has improved noticeably,

not only me, but your grandmother also improved clearly.

The same goes for your uncle and aunt.

It is said that your grandmother asked Tianshi Hong to show you the Fengshui villa.

I didn’t believe it before, but this time I really do believe it. “

Charlie said calmly: “Wanliu Villa can make you feel better. You, grandma and others have improved significantly.

In fact, it has nothing to do with Feng Shui.

 Fengshui can change a person’s wealth and aura within the body, but it doesn’t have such an immediate effect. “

Nicolas An was shocked and asked: “Then What happened?”

Charlie shrugged and said with a smile:

“When Tianshi Hong went there to see Feng Shui, I also went there.

knowing that you are not in good health, and grandma is getting old,

so I left one there. Rejuvenation formation and pill,

the basic logic was that the formation controlled the medicinal power of the rejuvenation pill, allowing it to be released slowly in the villa,

and then absorbed by the people in the villa.

All the family were astonished, and the old man exclaimed:

“Charlie… you… you left 300 billion US dollars worth of rejuvenation pills in this villa?!”