Hero Of Heart 6081

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 6081

Late at night, a cargo ship sailed from Bohai Bay and took Stephen Tang to Tahiti in the South Pacific Ocean.

Stephen Tang stood at the stern of the ship and looked at Jincheng Harbor, which was getting farther and farther in the evening, with mixed feelings.

Although he is a confidant of Charlie’s father Changying Wade,

Twenty years ago, Changying Wade gave him two tasks.

The first is to protect Charlie’s safety after something happens to him,

and the other is to adhere to the security plan in all respects.

In these years, although Stephen Tang has worked as a housekeeper in the Wade family,

in fact, everyone followed Margaret An’s instructions.

For more than ten years previously,

even Zhongquan Wade didn’t know whether his grandson Charlie was alive or dead.

This was because, before Changying Wade’s accident,

he didn’t arrange when Stephen Tang would tell Zhongquan Wade about Charlie’s news,

and Margaret An controls everything behind the scenes.

It wasn’t until Margaret An felt that the time was right,

he asked Stephen Tang to confess Charlie’s situation to Zhongquan Wade.

Zhongquan Wade felt that he was not worthy of his son and daughter-in-law.

Besides, this grandson has bad luck.

To redeem Charlie,

He bought the Emgrand Group and gave Stephen Tang a 10 billion black card to take to Charlie,

and then everything that happened next happened.

Although Stephen Tang was reluctant to leave Eastcliff suddenly,

he also knew that leaving temporarily was the best way at the moment.

The only thing he was embarrassed about was leaving Charlie without saying goodbye.

At this time, Charlie was lying alone in the guest room of the Wade family’s old house, tossing and turning.

Stephen Tang’s departure without saying goodbye made her want to understand something.

Stephen Tang did not work for his grandfather Zhongquan Wade,

nor did he work for his father Changying Wade.

If Stephen Tang worked for his father, he would not leave today.

Instead, he would help himself find out who and where this Zhou Liangyun was.

After all, Zhou Liangyun was most likely his father’s friend,

and Stephen Tang is his father’s old subordinate,

the two do not need to hide anything from each other.

The only conclusion is that Stephen Tang is actually working for a third person he doesn’t know.

That person didn’t want him to know his whereabouts through Stephen Tang,

so he made Stephen Tang disappear suddenly,

leaving him with nowhere to check or ask.

What confused Charlie was who this third person was.

Fortunately, there are various signs that this third person is definitely not an enemy,

which made Charlie feel a little relieved despite his doubts.

early the next morning.

Charlie left the living room with the photo album and came to the main hall.

Zhongquan Wade is already waiting here.

When he saw Charlie come out, he said,

“Charlie, Miss Lin asked me to tell you that she went out to buy breakfast and will be back soon.”

Charlie Surprised, he asked, “Did he go alone?”

Zhongquan Wade nodded and said,

“Sihai I can’t contact, and there is no servant in the old house of the house.

I initially said that I would leave, but he left before me.”

Charlie nodded slightly, feeling a little worried in his heart.

After all, Victoria had always wanted to catch Maria Lin, and Maria Lin had no bodyguards by her side.

Going out alone always made him feel a little uncomfortable.

As he thought about it,

Maria Lin had already opened the door and walked in, carrying many bags filled with breakfast in her hands.

When he saw Charlie, he smiled and said:

“Sir, wake up, come and have breakfast”.

“I woke up early to buy a lot of Eastcliff’s special food.”

After saying that, he quickly said to Zhongquan Wade,

“Grandpa Wade, let’s eat together!”

Zhongquan Wade nodded lightly and said with a smile,

“Thanks for your hard work, Miss Lin.”

After saying that, he asked Charlie in a low voice,

“Charlie, why does this Miss Lin call you Young Master?”

Charlie thought for a moment and said with a smile,

“The little girl likes ancient culture.”

“Don’t be surprised if he calls himself a slave later.”