Heroes Of Heart Chapter 4568

Chapter 4568 read novels online for free

Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4568

Charlie asked in surprise:

“So your organization wasn’t just part of your demise?”

“Yes.” The man nodded and said,

“There are death camps all over the world, but I don’t know how many.”

Charlie was even more surprised, thought for a moment, and asked again:

“You said that you were injected with drugs before you came,

and you’re in New York when you wake up. comma?”

“I don’t know.” The man shook his head and said,

“In the camp of the dead, no one may know the date and time.

We can’t see sunrise or sunset, only the lights are on. and the lights go out.

What’s more, I’ve secretly calculated that our daily routine in the death camps doesn’t seem to follow 24 hours a day.

They seem to deliberately make a slight deviation in time each day. Today is longer than yesterday

and yesterday is longer than the day before yesterday.

Over time, even if we know the exact time when we start the mission, after a certain amount of time, the records will be biased.”

Charlie asked him,

“How do you calculate time deviation?”

The man said:

“I made a very fine hole in the bottom of the bowl and filled it with fine sand.

Since the bell rang on the first day, it leaked until the bell rang the next day,

and then fine sand. leak again, again,

when the bell rings on the third day, the fine sand will sometimes leak first, and sometimes it won’t leak in time,

so I guess the time inside is different from the time outside. ,

so after all this time, we don’t know the ending from the outside. What year and month?”

Charlie asked curiously

“Did you do so many things in secret to find a chance to escape?”

“That doesn’t count.” The man smiled wryly and said,

“Even if there is a chance to escape, it will definitely be death.

I want to know more about the operating mechanism of the dead man.

If there is a chance to escape, put him in the camp of the dead If all is revealed,

it would be nice if I could destroy the camp of the dead,

so that no one will repeat my mistakes in the future.

Charlie nodded and said lightly,

“It seems you haven’t been completely brainwashed by the organization.”

“Brainwashing?” The man shook his head and said,

“Organization disparages to brainwash us.

Our own lives and the lives of our families are in the hands of the organization. It doesn’t matter whether we are brainwashed or not.

Slaves, from this point of view, we can be considered the most hated people in the world, but they don’t care,

because they know that we don’t have the guts and the ability to betray the organization.”

Charlie nodded slightly, knowing in her heart that what this person knew was almost done.

At this point, Joseph asked,

“You should know where the garage you built is from?”

“I know.” The man said honestly,

“The garage we built is in Brooklyn, New York.”

Joseph looks at Charlie:

“Mr Wade, this is the only place where they and the organization have intersected.

Those guys set up the garage in advance and will definitely leave a message.

If we use this as a hint to recheck, we should be able to check some clues!”

Charlie waved her hand and said lightly, “No need to check.”

Joseph hastily asked, “Mr. Wade, this is the only clue!”

Charlie said seriously:

“Then there’s no need to investigate. Since the other party is so cautious, the clues that need to be dealt with have already been dealt with.

When we go there to investigate this time, we’ll only be exposing ourselves. ,

and even if we find a clue, we will.

That doesn’t make sense. We are far from having the power to compete with such an organization.

All we know now is the soldiers who died and the guides, and we don’t know how many soldiers died,

how many guides, and more.

I don’t know, apart from dead soldiers and guides, what other organizational structure they have,

perhaps the real power of the other party is greater than we imagine.”

Joseph hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Even Charlie said that, and he didn’t dare act rashly.

Charlie looked at the man and said lightly,

“You cooperated well today, but I’m not ready to kill you for now.”

After he finished speaking, he said to Joseph:

“Joseph, I’m leaving.

You secretly took him to Syria to take good care of him,

and don’t let anyone outside the core members of the Calamity Front find out about his whereabouts.”

Joseph nodded without hesitation:

“Don’t worry Mr Wade, I’ll take care of it!”

Charlie looked at the man again and asked,

“What’s your name?”

The man said gratefully:

“Mr Wade, let’s go to May 47th!”

Charlie asked her,

“Which five? Wu from Wushu, or Wu from Shan Liren?”

“Not really.” The man smiled bitterly:

“It’s a number, I don’t have a surname or a first name,

and even my ancestors didn’t know what their real surnames were.

We were just born and were given a number by the organization, and then we used this number. Just for the name.”

Charlie had mixed feelings in her heart, paused for a moment, nodded lightly, and said seriously:

“You are living well, I will let you see this organization completely perish with your own eyes!”

In the eyes of May 47, an unprecedented light of hope suddenly flashed,

looks at Charlie, and respectfully asks:

“Mr Wade, I’ve answered so many questions from you,

I hope you can consider it for your cooperation. and tell me.

Next, how do you completely seal the power in my body?”

Charlie smiled coldly and said, “My power is much stronger than that!”