Hero Of Heart 6362

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6362

The place the NYPD uses to inspect helicopters is an open helipad belonging to a helicopter navigation company in northwest New York.

This general aviation company is very large, its apron and hangar alone are enough to park hundreds of helicopters.

This company also has dozens of helicopters of various types which it purchased itself. It is the largest general aviation company in New York and is also an industry of the Rothschild family.

Helicopters are relatively popular in the United States. Many wealthy people and companies own their own helicopters, and the helicopter rental business is also very popular.

Many celebrities, dignitaries, and rich people need to temporarily rent helicopters when they travel. , so this is also very common with general aviation companies.

However, most companies or business owners who own helicopters only have one helicopter.

For the parking, maintenance and upkeep of these helicopters there is no point in investing space and a special team, so it is entrusted to the general aviation companies to take responsibility. integrated operations and maintenance.

If the owner does not use it, the general aviation company will use it for charter operations to recover costs.

In order to ensure that the inspection of the helicopter blockade could be carried out with the utmost ease, the Rothschilds provided this place for the NYPD and also arranged for their own people to participate here throughout the process.

Any helicopter leaving New York airspace must first undergo a thorough inspection here.

After confirming that the helicopter has nothing to do with Sifang Baozhuang, the NYPD will release the helicopter, and the helicopter can leave New York and head to its destination.

However, to prevent helicopters that pass the inspection from landing in the middle of the road, helicopters that pass the inspection must immediately rise to an altitude of more than 1,000 meters on the spot.

At the same time, before arriving at the destination, the entire journey must not be lower than 1,000 meters above sea level, and there is air traffic control radar throughout the monitoring process, no one must violate the requirements, otherwise they will be directed by NYPD and must undergo related inspections and investigations again.

Therefore, if Victoria wants to leave New York by helicopter, she must go through this series of procedures, even if she is the leader of the Warriors Den Society and a 400-year-old Taoist master.

Victoria felt like her mentality had been cut into pieces over and over again since she got off the plane.

Now, he was on the verge of going berserk.

The dignified leader of the Qing Dynasty meeting was ordered to land for inspection in the United States,

it felt like the traitorous translator in the movie “Willson Bing Parker Ga”, who usually doesn’t spend money on restaurants, deigned to come to the meeting. roadside to eat broken watermelon, and was actually arrested, Ask for payment!

Nowadays, treacherous translators are no longer just trying to cause trouble.

He wanted to take out the turtle box around his waist, smash all the watermelons on the stall to pieces, and then blow up the melon seller’s head as well to satisfy his hatred.

Victoria felt the same way.

He even felt that his Taoist mind, which he had cultivated for more than three hundred years, was basically exhausted within a few hours of getting off the plane.

This made him curse in his heart: “Damn Rothschild, destroy my Taoist heart!

Sooner or later you will have to pay the price!”

However, Victoria felt annoyed in her heart, but she also understood that those who should work together should also work together.

If you really want to take out your guns and do it, the stall owner may not be afraid, because they are all members of the underground, and the dark muzzle has long been secretly aimed at the head of the traitor translator.

Victoria’s mood is exactly the same as the Japanese translator in the film.

So what if you could eat out on the town without spending any money? If you come to this watermelon stall, you have to raise your hand honestly.

If you are told to give money, obediently give the money. If you are told to cooperate, obey and cooperate.

Victoria is filled with anger and hatred when she sees the helicopter she is in fly over the general aviation company as requested by the NYPD.

When he lowered his head and looked down, there were no less than twenty helicopters of different sizes and styles parked on the runway.

These helicopters are all civil helicopters, and it seems that they all have to be checked.