Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6872

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6872

Charlie’s second uncle, Marcus An, was the first to say: “Everyone, let me first introduce to you the main process today. The press conference will start on time at two o’clock in the afternoon.

There is no external host for today’s press conference, so I will do it.

Come on, be the host, from two o’clock to two twenty, I will give a welcome speech to the media friends, and then announce the cooperation project between the An Family and Yejia, namely Changying. Car brand;”

“Next, I will ask Uncle Ye to speak first, then my father. The content of their speeches will mainly focus on the reasons for our cooperation and the goals of our cooperation. by I will make a first-phase summary report to friends in the media. At that time, I will cooperate with PPT to disclose all the data of our Changying Automobile on the spot, including but not limited to the investment scale, hardware scale, our team size, and the hypothetical models planned to be launched in the future;”

“After this, I will introduce Professor Watt and Professor Han to the media friends, introduce their resumes, and their upcoming positions in Changying Automobile. After introducing the two, they each have five to ten minutes. After the two speeches are finished, I will make a final summary;”

“After I deliver my final conclusions, we will enter the media Q&A session. For this media Q&A session, we plan to answer ten questions for half an hour.

I will decide randomly who will ask the question at that time.

We won’t make any prior arrangements, but I’ll explain the ground rules for asking questions to everyone first.

They can ask questions to me, Uncle Ye or my father, or Professor Watt and Professor Han the questions must be Regarding Changying Automobile,

If anyone asks a question that has nothing to do with Changying Automobile, or deliberately wants to bring up past grievances between the two companies, I will immediately refuse to answer and divert the question to the next person.

We are also equipped with a large number of security officers and staff to maintain order.

If any reporter asks some inappropriate questions, I will immediately regulate them and turn off the microphone. Don’t let the other party disrupt the rhythm. We will immediately move on to the next question.

In addition, when everyone answers questions, please also focus on the core of Changying Automobile and try not to spread as much as possible.

After answering ten questions, I would like to thank all the media friends present and announce that this press conference has been successfully completed. The process is basically That’s it, if you have any questions, just ask.”

Marcus has represented the An Family for many years and has rich experience. The process is very clear and clear, and the parts that need to be cooperated are also explained very clearly, so everyone said they had no doubts.

Seeing that everyone had no questions, Marcus An nodded and said: “Since no one has any questions, let’s move on to the next step, which is to synchronize the specific information disclosed by Changying Motors.”

After a pause, Marcus An continued: “We have announced that the estimated total investment of Changying Automobile is US$40 billion, with the first phase investment of US$20 billion, which will be jointly funded by the An Family and Yejia, with each holding 50% of the shares;”

“The initial US$20 billion will be used mainly to prepare the Gigafactory and its supporting facilities in Aurous Hill. We refer to the Tesla Gigafactory time point, and the goal is to break ground and start production within one year;”

“Meanwhile, the remaining US$20 billion will mainly be used to increase production capacity, product upgrades, and penetration and development of upstream and downstream industries such as auto parts, vehicle logistics, and vehicle sales.”