Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6890

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6890

“over the sea?”

When Howard heard this, he immediately asked: “Did the kidnapper press charges?”

Jenny replied: “Name it! They want a billion dollars, and it has to be cryptocurrency!”

“A billion dollars?” Howard shouted: “These kidnappers have a huge appetite! A billion dollars?! Who dares to kidnap and ask for a billion dollars in ransom? He’s crazy!”

When Jenny heard that Howard was too expensive, she couldn’t help crying in grief, and choked out: “Your Majesty, they are a bunch of black-hearted devils!

They want a billion dollars not as a ransom, but as a life-saving payment…”

“Life insurance?” Howard asked, “What does that mean?”

Jenny cried and said: “The only way to save the lives of father and son is to give them money.

If not, they will kill my husband and son and throw them into the sea…”

“Fuck.” Howard said angrily, “These aren’t fucking kidnappers, they’re bandits!

Why don’t you let it go even after a billion dollars?!”

“Yeah…” Jenny choked: “They only gave me 48 hours to think about it.

If I don’t give them virtual cryptocurrency within 48 hours, they will immediately kill my husband and son.”

Howard was silent for a moment and asked her: “What do you think now?

Should you give it or not?”

Jenny cried and asked: “Your Holiness Patriarch, I want to ask you if there is any way to find their location, and then ask the Marine Corps to rescue them.

I remember you did this before…”

Several years ago, a young descendant of a core member of the Rothschild family was kidnapped by local rebel militants while on holiday in South America.

Howard uses the Marine Corps to save him.

Due to the amount of commotion at the time, the US military labeled the other side as a terrorist organization, and then, in the name of counter-terrorism, sent thousands of marines to kill the other side.

The American People Everyone thought it was a perfect scalpel-style counter-terrorism operation, but in fact it was just to save a Rothschild playboy.

However, the American people do not know the whole story, but the Rothschild family members know everything.

When Howard heard that Jenny wanted him to mobilize the Marine Corps, he smacked his lips and asked: “Do you think the Marine Corps can find them within 48 hours based on the information disclosed by the other party?

Even if they find them, they still have to make a temporary rescue plan, do you think you can save them within 48 hours?”

Jenny said in panic: “This… I don’t know much about this… the video they sent me didn’t show any important information. It just looked like a vast white ocean.”

“That’s it.” Howard said: “It’s hard to find a carrier formation in the vast ocean, let alone two people.”

After that, Howard said again: “Jenny, I advise you to analyze this situation rationally.

One billion US dollars is not a small amount, especially for your Hogwitz family, and if this one billion US dollars is spent, it would not hurt if you could get people back,

But the bottom line is, you can’t see anyone after giving $1 billion, and that’s outrageous.”

Jenny was shocked and asked quickly: “Your Highness the Patriarch…You…don’t you mean to ask me to surrender?”

Howard quickly denied it three times: “I didn’t do it. Don’t talk nonsense. Don’t get me wrong.

I want you to think about it carefully and decide how to handle this matter since the other party only gave you 48 hours.” , and did not reveal any important information.

I can’t help you find the person within 48 hours, especially since the person is at sea. He is mobile.

He was here in the first 48 hours, and thousands of people disappeared after 48 hours.

Even if we knew where the video was taken, the radius of the sea area we would search in 48 hours would be at least a thousand nautical miles.

Are you good at calculating the radius of 1,000 nautical miles?”