Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6912

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6912

While speaking, the guard captain stepped into the main hall and said loudly to Helena: “Your Highness the Queen, a guest has entered the palace.”

Helena immediately jumped up for joy, quickly lifted the hem of her skirt, and immediately walked out of the palace.

He said to the guard captain: “Tell everyone to stay away. No one was allowed to approach without my orders. “

“As you command, Your Highness the Queen!”

At this time, Charlie’s vehicle drove all the way to the palace and arrived at the square in front of the main hall.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Helena and the old queen’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren came out to greet them.

Charlie and Maria Lin got out of the car, and Helena stepped forward and said respectfully:

“Mr. Wade, welcome to Northern Europe again.”

After saying that, he looked to Maria Lin and said with a smile, “This must be Miss Lin, right?”

Maria Lin smiled sweetly, bowed slightly and said, “Maria Lin, a civilian girl, has met Her Majesty the Queen.”

Helena didn’t know Maria Lin’s details, but she only heard from Charlie that she was accompanied by a sister who was very fond of Northern Europe,

so he took her to see the world was indeed not too old, and she looked like she was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

It’s just that this girl is really beautiful.

Every smile and every gesture had an indescribable dignity.

Helena herself came from a royal family, and she could see that Maria Lin’s extraordinary temperament was definitely not like that of an ordinary child.

Besides, even though her Mandarin was good, she really didn’t know what the words “people’s daughter” meant.

He thought it was just the Chinese way of saying “low-key”, so he took the initiative to contact Maria Lin and said with a smile: “Miss Lin is not a Nordic citizen.

She is Mr. Wade’s sister.

You don’t have to be polite or polite to me. Just call me Helena.

I think Miss Lin is younger than me. If you don’t see anyone else, it’s okay to call me sister.”

Maria Lin was shocked for a moment, then looked at Charlie, then at Helena, and said with a smile: “It’s okay, sister Helena.”

When Helena saw her beautiful smile, her dimples seemed to be filled with wine, which made her a little drunk as a woman.

He also really liked this “little girl” in his heart, and couldn’t help but gently touch Maria Lin’s head.

That was really like She said lovingly like a big sister: “Sister Willsonwan considers this place her home.

My sister has asked someone to prepare dinner. Let’s go to the banquet hall now!”

Seeing Helena touching Maria Lin’s head so naturally, Charlie couldn’t help but sigh: “If Helena knew that Maria Lin was almost 400 years old, I wonder how she would feel in her heart?”

Maria Lin also did not expect that Helena would actually treat her like a little girl.

He had never experienced anything like this for hundreds of years, but he was surprised and did not feel that it offended him. It was also apparent that Helena’s friendliness and enthusiasm were genuine and not fake at all, and I had a very good impression of her in my heart.

So, she secretly looked at Charlie, and secretly stuck out her tongue when no one was looking.

Charlie shook his head with a smile and said to Helena: “It’s only four o’clock. Is it too early for dinner?”

Helena looked up at the starry sky and said with a smile: “Mr. Wade seems to have to adapt to the rhythm of life in Northern Europe. It’s already nighttime.

After dinner, we can also enjoy the night view of Osu City.”

At this time, the housekeeper Susan stepped forward and whispered: “Your Majesty the Queen, Mr. Howard Rothschild of the Rothschild family wants to come to the palace to greet you later.”

Helena waved her hand and said calmly: “Tell him that I have other plans for tonight.

Just meet him directly at the data center tomorrow.”