Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6932

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6932

At this time, at the Warriors Den headquarters, Wu Tianlin reported to Victoria respectfully: “Master Ying, the three elders have arrived in Nigeria,

and my subordinates have arranged for the Governor of the Right Army Governor’s Palace to come out to receive them in person, and have also made preparations for them. The three elders have now settled in the temporary training ground in Nigeria.”

Victoria hummed and asked him, “How is the plane?”

Wu Tianlin said: “According to the original plan, we ordered and installed an emergency false alarm.

The proposed route of the aircraft was from Frankfurt, Germany, to Johannesburg, South Africa. The route information of this cargo flight can be seen in all flight software, the emergency landing will not appear in the regular route information.

Just by checking the specific flight path of the plane that day you can see that the plane landed in Nigeria in the middle. One would not notice where the middle of a cargo plane is.

We have made an alternate landing, but as long as the other party secretly monitors our plane’s flight path, he can definitely see the trajectory information and will definitely pay attention to Lagos, Nigeria.

As long as he considers this alternative landing as a clue, he will surely fall into our trap.”

Victoria asked again: “What next? Are there any other clues that could make it difficult for others to find our location in Nigeria?”

Wu Tianlin replied: “Sir, this flight is carrying a number of German-made precision instruments and equipment, worth more than 40 million US dollars.

We complete the exchange of goods at the Nigerian airport, and then transfer the exchanged goods through special channels.

It was shipped out of the airport, and part of the cargo was professional equipment in the oil and gas fields specially prepared for our oil companies in Nigeria, and part of it was German high-precision processing equipment standard firearms; “

“This type of equipment is controlled equipment worldwide. Export requires strict checks on the buyer’s qualifications and complete approval documents from the country where the buyer is located.

This time we used a South African finishing company and applied for an import permit in South Africa.

We also applied for a sales permit from Germany, so we managed to get out of Germany. This is also one of the clues we deliberately left for others;”

“When other parties check the flight and find that the plane has made an alternative landing in Nigeria, they will most likely check the cargo carried and the recipient’s information.

With a little closer inspection, they were able to determine that the cargo contained oil and gas equipment and specialized equipment.

In this way, he will be very sure that the set of equipment is for our own use,

and then suspect that our diversion is just to deceive others is not the real destination the real destination is Lagos, Nigeria.

In this case, he will definitely direct your gaze to Nigeria!”

“By combining oil and gas equipment, he could actually easily guess that our location in Nigeria was most likely an oil mining base.

Our location in Nigeria is an oil mining base with annual profits of over 2 billion US dollars. the most profitable among our many locations.

Once we leak the clues ourselves, it will be very easy for others to find the location. We only need to check dozens of locations one by one.

We can find it easily by choosing to take it with us as bait, I think it can make the other party lower their guard even more.

Maybe he thinks he has caught a big fish this time and can cause serious damage to us!

After listening to Wu Tianlin’s introduction, Victoria showed a rare expression of satisfaction. She nodded slightly and sneered: “That’s right! Various clues are intertwined, interlocking and dazzling, making people inevitably feel caught. The illusion of a big fish.

When he understands the revealed clues, he may cry out in exultation, “God help me.”

When he peels back the cocoon and finds an oil field, he will surely be more satisfied than the copper mines in Cyprus.

When he kills him and wants to use his old tricks again, the three elders will attack him and behead him to avoid future trouble for me!”