Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6952

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6952

The dinner between Helena and the Rothschild family was about to end, and Charlie and Maria Lin also returned to the palace.

Duncan Li and Marcus An are still in the data center. Duncan Li is communicating with technical staff about how to set complex filtering rules for AI models.

Once the rules are set, let it start retrieving company information on a global scale, trying to filter out the list of companies that might host Warriors Den residences, and then perform a bit-by-bit elimination method to narrow down the target scope as much as possible.

Charlie doesn’t understand technology or how to operate AI to complete complex calculations and deductions, so he leaves it to the professionals.

And he had arranged people to help him solve the vending machine problems as planned.

Vending machines around the world will upload large amounts of video material to the AI ​​model via the Internet, and then Victoria’s personal whereabouts will be known.

Once Victoria appears, it will not be as simple as her appearing alone, but will bring a series of clues. At that time, more information related to the Warriors Den will be revealed.

Charlie knew that his planes usually took off and landed in Argentina, and his base should not be far from Argentina, and he had to use Argentina as a springboard for every intercontinental flight, so when all the airports in Argentina were under his surveillance, his whereabouts would be known to him.

When Charlie returned to the palace, the housekeeper immediately reported it to Helena.

Helena then said to the Rothschilds and their son: “Wait a minute, you two. I have something to do. Please excuse me for a moment.”

After saying that, she stood up and walked out of the banquet hall gracefully.

Helena came all the way to Charlie’s guest room, gently opened the door, and saw Charlie sitting on the sofa in the living room, so she immediately walked over and said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, the Rothschild family is still at the banquet, old Howard is looking forward to your half pill, and he has gone crazy.”

Charlie nodded, took out the blood-spreading and heart-saving pills, handed them to Helena, and warned: “Invite her to the study later and take out the pills in front of her.

Remember, he must take the whole pill. Come out and cut it in front of him after he pays the money.”

Helena couldn’t help but smile and said: “Mr. Wade, you want him to get half of the pill and still think about it day after day and dream about it at night…”

Charlie smiled and said: “You should give him a head start.”

After saying that, Charlie said again: “By the way, while you are chatting with Howard, ask the butler to bring Steve to see me. I have something to ask him.”

“Okay.” Helena said, “Then I will go straight to the study and ask the housekeeper to invite Howard first, and then ask him to bring Steve to see you.”

After saying that, Helena added: “After you finish talking to Steve, I will ask the housekeeper to inform me.

At that time, I will return to the banquet hall to send the father and son away and then bring you the rest of the pills.”

“No need.” Charlie said, “You can take the remaining half of the pill right in front of Howard.”

“Huh?” Helena thought she misheard and unconsciously asked: “What did you say?”