Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6957

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6957

Howard hurriedly said: “Don’t worry, Your Majesty, as long as there are pills that can be sold to me, I am willing to go through a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire for you!”

Helena smiled and said: “Then I will wait and see how you perform.

If your performance is good, let alone half a pill, even one or even two pills, it won’t be a problem!”

Howard didn’t know that Helena was trying to make a cake for herself. When he heard this, he seemed to have received a very important guarantee, and he was very happy for a moment. This potion was limited, and one pill would be sold less.

When he needed pills to prolong his life, he found that he couldn’t buy them at all, so there was nothing he could do.

If Charlie could sell him one or two more pills, it would be no problem for him to live to be over a hundred years old!

At the same time, Howard’s son, Steve, stood in front of Charlie with a shocked face.

A few minutes ago, Charlie made his request, asking him to come forward to buy the largest private remote sensing satellite company in the United States.

Although Steve didn’t know what Charlie wanted to do with such a company, he could probably guess that Charlie wanted to use it himself, so he asked him: “Mr. Wade, after buying the company, will it be handed over to you directly?”

Charlie waved his hand: “Once you gain control, remove as many other shareholders from the board of directors as possible.

Once everyone has stepped down, you will appoint a professional to be in charge of the company’s day-to-day operations.

Which professional will be appointed? Responsible, I have the final say, and I will prepare the information for you when the time comes.

If you announce that he is the next CEO according to the information I prepared, it will be considered a success.

Although Charlie wanted to acquire a remote sensing satellite company, if he really allowed himself to acquire such a company, a series of reviews by the FBI and the Homeland Security Bureau would cause the company to lose all its profits in an instant.

So Charlie wants Steve to hold this company as a white glove. The company’s daily operations are to continuously update the global satellite map library.

No matter who acquires this company, they can get the highest definition and fastest timeliness in the civil field of satellite maps, which can continuously provide the latest satellite maps to Ai and help it further improve its database.”

In addition, the person appointed by Charlie is the leader of the company. What this means to Charlie is that in the future, wherever Charlie wants to direct his satellite, he only needs to tell this person, and this person can order people to adjust the satellite’s status as needed.

Steve nodded immediately after hearing Charlie’s request and said respectfully: “No problem, Mr. Wade, this kind of thing can be done with billions of dollars, so just leave it to me.”

Charlie nodded and said: “How much is the acquisition cost? I will pay it myself. You just need to use your influence to help me resolve all the hidden policy risks.”

Steve hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, You are too polite. This is only a few billion dollars. Let me solve this problem. I will definitely fulfill your expectations.”

Charlie said seriously: “Since this is the company I want to acquire, of course I have to provide the money.

You don’t have to worry about this. What you have to do is prevent the US government and national security agencies from getting involved in this matter.”

“Mr. Wade, please be patient.” Steve said, “As long as I report, the US government and national security agencies will not cause any problems. As long as the price is negotiated with the current team, there will never be any other problems.”

Charlie nodded slightly, looked at Steve and said very seriously: “Steve, this matter is very important to me.”

“You help me win this company, and then I will take care of you in Aurous Hill!”