Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6961

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6961

After Steve sat down, he said to Carl: “Carl, please give me a general introduction about your company first.”

Karl nodded and said respectfully: “Back to Mr. Rothschild, we have nearly 800 employees at Skyline.

The building you are in is our headquarters. There are about 500 employees working here. Our servers are also here. This building belongs to our own industry, and its current market value is about US$70 million;”

Skyline currently has a total of twenty-nine satellites in orbit. We have reached a cooperation with SpaceX.

Next month, three Skyline satellites will be launched along with its Starlink satellites. There will be three more in the first quarter of next year. According to our original plan, the goal is to increase the number of satellites to forty-five next year;”

Steve asked him: “How are your revisiting skills now?”

Karl said: “Under normal circumstances, four to five repeat visits a day is not a big deal.

In special circumstances, we can revisit a special target twenty times a day. However, this also depends on the target’s illumination time.

Our satellites are aimed at civilians. Their accuracy is close to one meter, but their imaging requirements are relatively high, and even in low light, you can hardly capture any valuable content at night.”

Steve nodded and asked, “Do you take pictures every day? Is the data updated every day?”

“Yes.” Karl said, “Let our head of technology give you a detailed introduction.”

The chief technology officer raised his glasses and explained: “As our satellite orbits the earth, it will photograph the places it passes according to its predetermined orbit.

Each area will be labeled, and photography will be done according to the labeled plot. Take pictures of each one one by one, then hand them over to the background for stitching and synthesis.

The satellite will choose whether to take a picture based on the lighting, weather, and visibility of the place it passes over. It is introduced to you, our technology and hardware is not as good as the US military’s keyhole,

So in general, if the route is in the afternoon or evening, no photos are taken in cloudy and stormy weather;

Generally, photos will only be taken when the lighting is good and there are no clouds or fog, and the images will be automatically filtered, only images whose clarity meets the standards are allowed into the database;”

“After entering the database, the photo material will be sealed according to the time stamp. After the time limit set by the security department is exceeded, the system will automatically replace the previous image material. However, the surface area of ​​the earth is very large.

Under normal circumstances, we need at least It takes more than two months to take a quality and comprehensive photo of the world’s land, so our database can also provide users with changes every few months on any surface of the world in the past nearly ten years.

This is a paid feature of our software and is also a source of revenue for the business we run ourselves;”

Karl said: “Mr. Rothschild, since we have talked about income, let our chief financial officer introduce you to our current financial situation.”

Steve waved his hand: “Don’t worry, I want to ask, can you access the data that the security department asked you to seal internally?”

“Yes.” Chief Technology Officer said: “All data captured by the satellite will be directly sent back to our server database from our satellite for the first time.

However, the security department’s requirement is that our data must be sealed. There is no expiration date. It cannot be published until then.”