Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6963

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6963

Skyline’s $5 billion valuation far exceeds its true market value.

While Steve gave a three-year deadline to get it all done, at least there was no performance stake in other words, as long as Skyline shareholders signed off, the money would be there.

Nowadays, the last thing you should not sign is a gambling agreement. The world situation changes at lightning speed.

You may think today that your industry will be a hot spot in the next three years, but tomorrow the entire industry may be a hot spot and completely collapse. In this case, no one would bet that future performance will continue to improve.

Therefore, Karl immediately knew the answer.

However, he still hopes to fight for greater interests. After all, he is facing the second person in the Rothschild family.

The Rothschild family is as rich as a country, with 5 billion and 6 billion being like 50,000 and 60,000 in the eyes of the average middle class person, it’s only natural to spend more money when you find something you like.

Thinking of this, he said to Steve: “Mr. Rothschild, the terms of your proposal are acceptable to us, but the company’s valuation is slightly lower than our expectations.”

“We hope Skyline’s valuation has been increased to 6 billion. If you accept it, we can sign the contract at any time.”

Steve was not taken advantage of. He smiled calmly and said: “This offer was made based on my personal interest in the remote sensing satellite industry.

If I analyze the actual value and development space of Skyline based on a rational market, then I win. I didn’t come here at all, so this price is the limit price I can give.”

“I guarantee there will be no room for price increases. As for whether there is room for a decrease, I can’t guarantee you.”

Steve’s attitude suddenly put Carl in a dilemma.

He didn’t know if Steve was telling the truth or if he was lying on purpose to deceive himself.

The most important thing now is to find out if Steve is determined to win the Skyline for some reason.

If so, then he would hold on to the six billion dollars and refuse to let it go. No matter how he explained to himself, he would definitely win in the end;

But if not, then he could miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because of the 6 billion quote.

Seeing Karl’s hesitation, Steve took out his phone and said calmly: “It seems that three days is too long for you.”

“Let’s do this. I’ll give you three minutes to think about it. As long as you say yes, 2.5 billion cash will be available within ten minutes.”

“If you say NO, or say anything that has nothing to do with Yes, I will immediately stop the acquisition and return to New York.

Carl was so nervous that he almost broke out in a cold sweat. This feeling was like playing a quiz game.

After answering the last question, he collects a large amount of bonuses more bonuses, but once you lose, all previous bonuses will be removed.

And if you give up on the last question, the accumulated bonuses will be safe without further risk.

Two minutes passed quickly, and Steve reminded: “This is the last minute. If I still can’t make up my mind, I’ll be back in a minute.”

Carl looked at Steve, hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind and exclaimed: “Yes! I vote Yes!”

After saying that, he immediately let out a sigh of relief.