Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6994

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6994

Duncan Li glanced at the railway yard with at least twenty tracks south of the port. He looked east along the railway and said to Charlie: “As far as I know, Casablanca is the economic lifeline of the whole of Morocco.

Most of the phosphate mined in this country is shipped to all parts of the world from here.

The Duke Mining Company of the Qing Dynasty also exported phosphate abroad from here. I think phosphate is everywhere.”

Charlie said: “Have you checked their phosphate export situation?”

“Checked.” Duncan Li said: “AI checked the import and export data of Moroccan phosphate companies, and Duke Mining was not included.

If Duke Mining does not export, then its production capacity should be owned by other companies. Help them with their export business.”

Speaking, Duncan Li added: “To find out the direction of their phosphate, AI checked all the companies running import and export business in Casablanca port and locked one of the import and export companies.

The company’s main business is exporting to companies around the world, but they do not own any phosphate mines themselves,

This is equivalent to acting as an agent for the export business of several phosphate companies higher than Duke Mining’s output.

Some, besides Duke Mining, also have to become export agents for some small businesses.”

“In addition, the company also carries out small-scale imports. Most of what it imports are various mining machines and equipment, which are then sold in Morocco. Duke Mining.”

Charlie asked curiously: “This is also detected by AI?”

“Yes.” Duncan Li said: “This import and export company has successively imported a number of Liebherr heavy-duty mining equipment from Germany last year.

AI confirmed this batch of Liebherr heavy-duty mining equipment in the repaired Skyline database. The equipment is used in Duke Mining’s open pit mining area.

This brand of equipment is not found in some other large companies. For other companies, the price of Liebherr equipment may still be too high.

After that, Duncan Li added: “AI also found a lot of food imported from the United States from their customs information, especially beef, wheat and vegetables.

I suspect they secretly shipped this food after customs declaration. Duke Mining.”

Charlie said: “Food can be purchased locally. There is no need to import it from the United States.

Maybe it’s because Duke Mining’s consumption is obviously higher than normal, so I don’t want people to know the clues.”

“Yes.” Duncan Li said: “They are quite careful about this. There are several local food suppliers.

In this way, demand is spread out, and it is difficult for ordinary people to know their specific food consumption, and then secretly import some of them.

The food was basically smooth, but they definitely didn’t expect that there would be an AI model with incredible computing power that would continuously analyze all their data and information across multiple dimensions.”

Charlie pointed to the railroad tracks and asked him: “Inspector Li, since Duke Mining’s phosphate is transported by this railroad, then if I want to transport the dead Warriors Den soldiers out of Duke Mining,

This railway should also be I think we can use this railway as a breakthrough point and focus on breakthroughs.”

Duncan Li agrees: “AI has analyzed several production sectors of Duke Mining. The mining area is responsible for mining raw ore, and then transporting it to the Duke Mining refinery near the mining area via trucks and conveyor belts. Refined phosphate is processed at the refinery.

Once loading is completed at the city’s railway loading dock, it will be transported directly to the port.

As long as Duke Mining needs to transport phosphate, there must be empty trains to load from these freight trains, we must be able to touch them. Understand the basic process of trains entering Duke Mining.”

Charlie nodded and said: “From here, it looks like the railroad tracks don’t lead directly to the pier.

After these goods are transported to the port by train, they need to be loaded and unloaded first, then go through a series of export customs procedures before they can enter the loading and unloading area at the dock.

Let’s learn well if we sneak out tonight and get people from the train loading and unloading area to the wharf loading and unloading area in peace.

If this step can be achieved, there will be an opportunity to take everyone away.”