Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6997

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6997

Charlie wanted to know what goods would be sent to Duke Mining this time.

Duncan Li immediately asked the person in charge in French, and the other party immediately handed over tomorrow’s transportation plan to Duncan Li.

Duncan Li looked at the transportation plan paper and said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, the third train in the transportation plan will depart for Duke Mining tomorrow morning.

There are a total of twenty cargo trains, six of which are refrigerated. Cars, ordinary closed trucks 14 pieces.”

As he spoke, he added: “The client of this train is Moore Trading. Moore Trading is the importer and exporter of Duke Mining.

He shall be responsible for the realization of Duke Mining’s phosphate and the replenishment of industrial equipment for Duke Mining.”

Charlie asked him: “Is there a cargo list in the transportation plan?”

“Yes.” Duncan Li nodded and said: “The United States imported a total of 120 tons of beef and other meat products, 40 tons of dairy products, and some imported cereals.

The rest, customs forms show, are mostly industrial and mining equipment, precision instruments and security equipment.”

“Security equipment?” Charlie smacked his lips and said, “What kind of security equipment does a station full of knights and dead soldiers need?”

Duncan Li said: “It is said that the security equipment alone is nearly eighty cubic meters. The volume is indeed a bit too large.

Maybe the safety equipment written on it is just a cover, and there is actually something else?”

Charlie said: “Whether it is a cover or not, we will know soon when we go and see it.

I don’t think that’s the case. Maybe they’ve started increasing security at all the stations.”

If they use the most advanced technology like we do in Cyprus, the security equipment provides early warning for the entire defense area, so even if I go there, it will be difficult to not be caught by them.

With the development of modern science and technology, warriors or monks are no longer comparable in existence.

The monks could hold their breath and concentrate to ensure that even the most alert hunting dogs could not detect their presence, no matter how hard they held their breath and concentrated, it was all in vain.

In addition, such technical equipment can be purchased at any time on the civilian market. Last time we took Jarvisbo in Cyprus, except for short-range defense weapons, which are not easy to buy,

the rest can basically be purchased legally using the weapons. money. equipment.

Once the Qing Dynasty Association realizes this problem and no longer relies on it, they will most likely follow suit and use high technology to protect themselves or even arm themselves.

Maybe Duke Mining will also build buildings where people have no place to hide from the monitoring system,

if they also had close-range defensive cannons, or similar weapons and equipment, then Charlie couldn’t guarantee that he would be able to escape safely after going there.

Duncan Li also realized that there might be hidden dangers behind this, so he said: “If this is the case, then we must act carefully this time.

If it doesn’t work, we can also change our thinking. Don’t touch us we have to tell the Moroccan government about the situation directly and quietly.

I’m sure they won’t allow an organization to be led by thousands of fighters.”

Charlie knew that what Duncan Li said was the simplest and quickest solution.

Although most African countries are not well developed and corruption is rampant, in reality, the more such an environment exists, the more difficult it is for local governments to have a certain amount of armed force.

The more fearsome the power, the more vigilant. At this stage, many African countries were still under military rule.

The reason is because they frequently experience armed rebellions and power struggles just two hundred kilometers away from Casablanca and even closer to Rabat, the capital.