Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7004

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7004

Duncan Li immediately reminded the other party in French, and the other party got Charlie’s psychological suggestion, so he naturally obeyed the instructions he received from Duncan Li.

Then Charlie and Duncan Li left the management office and walked back to the hotel.

The next day, Duncan Li used his language skills to find a labor protection equipment supplier in Casablanca and purchased a set of labor protection clothing for Charlie that was very similar to Duke Mining’s work clothes.

After that, he and Charlie formulated an action plan for Duke Mining at the hotel.

Since he snuck in secretly this time, Charlie was not in a rush for time.

As long as most of Duke Mining’s Cavalry Guards could cooperate with him and allow him to take over the overall situation smoothly, he could ensure that no news would leak out, so Eager didn’t need to transfer the Cavalry Guards and Undead Soldiers here.

However, Charlie also knew very well in his heart that since he was going to deal a shocking blow to the Warriors Den Society and let the three elders and senior officials of the Right Army Governor’s Office leave Nigeria and expose their tracks,

Duke Mining station must be destroyed.

Therefore, even though time was not pressing, how to get thousands of people out was still a big problem for Charlie.

Duncan Li thought again and again and said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, Duke Mining is relatively closed, and all the Warriors Den must be imprisoned in the underground mine, so we can prioritize the gradual transfer of these Warriors Den and their families. ,

and wait for them Move them out, then move the Cavalry Guard one by one.”

Speaking, Duncan Li added: “When we move the dead soldiers, as long as we are hidden enough, the outside world will not notice the abnormality.

Even Moore’s Trade in Casablanca wouldn’t notice the abnormality, but once we start moving it.

knight, This is equivalent to the transfer of Duke Mining’s workforce, which will inevitably cause Duke Mining’s production capacity to decline or even stop.

Duke Mining has trains that haul phosphate almost every day.

Once production capacity drops, Moore Trade will notice, so I suggest that once you successfully take over Duke Mining,

You have to let them work overtime to mine more and produce more,

at least to produce a few more days’ supply, so that when the Knights were gradually withdrawn, the outside world would not. notice the difference.”

Charlie nodded in agreement and said: “Good idea, first eliminate the Warriors Den gradually,

and then gradually remove most of the Cavalry Guards, leaving only the security and loading workers on the surface, and wait for the last one to be installed.”

After a certain amount of phosphate was delivered, these people could also pull most of them, leaving only the last loaded car and the personnel docked, waiting for the train to deliver the last empty car and pull the last full car of the phosphate train. ,

the remaining people can also complete the evacuation on the same day.

This way, when the car comes again the next day, Duke Mining will be empty.

After reporting to the Office of the Governor of the Right Army, and finally to Victoria, their goal was achieved.

Duncan Li said: “The next most difficult problem is how to evacuate people in stages.

Duke Mining is located in the interior of Morocco, and the port of Casablanca and surrounding waters are heavily guarded.

Thousands of people were organized from the interior. The success rate of sneaking across the coast was not very high, so how did these people leave the country?

Charlie said: “Since it is difficult to leave the country, it is better not to leave the country first.”

“Not leaving the country?” Duncan Li asked him: “Do you mean to let these people stay in Morocco?

Mr. Wade, in their shipping list, they secretly imported more than a hundred tons of meat. There are at least thousands of people, how can we hide in Morocco without being discovered?”