Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7009

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7009

Duncan Li did not rush to negotiate the price with him. Instead, he asked a lot of detailed questions and asked him to show him around.

Behind the factory, there is an employee canteen and several warehouses. The number of workers is only more than three hundred, but if you really want to hide people here, it is very easy to hide thousands.

In addition, there are about fifteen tons of canned products waiting to be shipped in the finished goods warehouse. According to market prices, the price is about $40,000.

After looking at the whole place, Duncan Li said to his boss: “Well, I have also seen the situation here. To be honest, it is indeed older than I thought. The cost of renovation, reconstruction and upgrading is at least several million US dollars,

I don’t like dealing with things in business, so I’ll give you two offers and two options.

As long as you can accept one of them, we can achieve cooperation. If you don’t accept it, well, then I’ll choose another one.”

The boss quickly said: “Please let me know.”

Duncan Li said: “The first offer is to give you a one-time payment of US$250,000 to buy all the visible and tangible facilities here, including land, factories, production lines and other equipment.”

“Oh, by the way, there’s you too. All supplies of raw materials and finished goods in the warehouse;

When the boss heard this, he looked helpless and said, “To be honest, our inventory of raw materials and finished products is worth at least 50,000 US dollars.”

Duncan Li smiled and said: “For the second offer, I will pay you 300,000 US dollars, but I can only pay you 200,000 US dollars in advance.

The remaining 100,000 US dollars will be paid to you after I put it into production.

The other condition is that you have to help me maintain these workers. It may take two to three months to upgrade the equipment here.

During this time, you have to make sure that these workers do not protect their rights, do not cause problems, and do not cause problems for me.

At the same time, I have to wait patiently at home, and when I start working, they will go back to work.”

The boss said awkwardly: “I really can’t guarantee this. They all have to support their families.

In the last two or three months, if they don’t have income, their families may not be able to eat. Then, they will definitely look for other jobs.”

Duncan Li said: “During this period, their salaries will be paid as usual, half every month, and the remaining half will be paid in one lump sum on the day they start work.”

Hearing this, the boss immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: “Then it doesn’t matter. If you don’t work and still get money, they will definitely agree.”

Duncan Li reminded: “To ensure that they do not reveal the situation here or my business secrets, you must come forward to do these things.

Make them think that you are the one who wants to improve this place, not anyone else, and then leave them alone when they go home, don’t tell anyone about the situation here.

Once the business secret is revealed, their salary will be stopped and the remaining half will be forfeited.

The boss said without thinking: “It doesn’t matter, I can still do it with my prestige.”

After saying this, he rubbed his hands and said with a smile: “It’s just that the price… is still a bit low for me.

The total is only 300,000 yuan, and there are still 50,000 yuan worth of goods in it. At least it should be more than 450,000 US dollars to be reasonable…”

Duncan Li said: “Let’s do this. As long as you do what I say well, so I can devote myself to promoting the improvement.

Once the upgrades are complete and construction starts smoothly, I will pay you another 200,000 US dollars, so the total offer is 400,000 US dollars.”

When the boss heard this, he immediately beamed and said without hesitation: “Agreed!”

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