Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7014

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7014

At night in central Morocco, all the phosphate mining areas are in full swing.

In order to ensure mining efficiency, the mining area is always full of people and machines, and all kinds of mining equipment are at full capacity, frantically mining in the white phosphate land.

Duke Mining is no exception.

Here, the people in charge of production and mining are all Qingqi Guards and their families.

This is mainly because all mining areas are in the field to prevent Warriors Den and their families from knowing too much about the geographical features of the surrounding environment, so they never let Warriors Den and their families leave the mines in a conscious state.

The dead soldiers lived and trained underground on weekdays. When there was a mission, they would be secretly sent out by the Cavalry Guards.

At this time, no one in the Duke Mining Cavalry Guards was resting. In addition to those working in the mining area and refinery, there were hundreds of people who continued to weld the towering iron frames throughout the mining area.

At this point most of the steelwork has been completed and the circuit has been put into operation. All that remains is to install the various monitoring equipment and run the necessary cables for the monitoring equipment.

On the platform where the train was transported, more than fifty Cavalry Guards were waiting anxiously. Most of these people were Asian, and there were also some European, American, and African faces.

The leader stared at the direction the train was coming from, looking at his watch from time to time, muttering: “It’s already past eight o’clock, why hasn’t the train come yet?”

At this time, a white-faced man ran over quickly with an anxious expression. He came to his leader and said in Mandarin without any accent at all: “Commander, I want to ask about Song Qian (qiān), when will her car arrive? She said that if the equipment cannot be installed today, she will report it to the Governor’s Office and ask the Governor to punish her.

The man who is familiarly called the Commander said in an annoyed tone: “This morning I reported to him about the circuit damage at the Casablanca Port Freight Terminal.

At the same time, I also confirmed to my colleagues there that there was indeed a problem with the circuit in the cargo yard, which caused today All trains were affected to varying degrees, but the train had already left around five in the afternoon, and it will definitely arrive tonight again?

As he was speaking, a woman’s voice was heard saying coldly: “Commander Yin, you and I are all devoted to the British Lord.

The reason why I urge you is because progress here is much slower than expected.

If the governor is to blame, I, Mr. Sun, will at most receive some reprimands, but you, the person directly responsible, will not be able to get away with it so easily!”

The commander immediately turned around and saw a dashing woman in her early twenties, wearing a white shirt, with her long hair tied back, already stepping onto the platform.

The white shirt worn by this woman had an ancient Chinese charm. There was a white ribbon tied around her bun, and she even had a thin silver sword at her waist someone from a Character from a martial arts novel.

However, the two were still hundreds of meters away at this time, but the sound could be heard like thunder in the commander’s ears.

He looked stern and thought to himself: “This is the power of a monk. A few words spoken lightly can shock people’s hearts. Even the true energy in the body fluctuates.

If he uses a few more successes, I’m afraid I won’t be able to fight in a row.” I can’t even stand still…”

Startled, he immediately turned to meet the woman. Before he even reached her, she had already clenched her fist above his head.

When he reached the woman, he immediately knelt down and said respectfully: “Master Qian, please don’t misunderstand. I don’t mean to complain to Master Qianshi, but it’s not easy to get this large amount of goods.

There have been many problems since the purchase, and it took a long time to finally arrive. I thought I would definitely send it this morning, but I never thought to send it. This station has circuit problems again…”