Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7023

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7023

Charlie pondered for a moment and said, “I can save you. The reason why I came here is to get you all out of here.

I don’t want you to work hard for me. I just want you to be there when I need you.”

When the time comes, help me deal with the Po Ching Society. Once the Po Ching Society is eradicated, you can regain your freedom.

This is not an empty promise, because if the Po Ching Society is not eliminated, even if I immediately grant you freedom, you will not escape death.

So if you want to live freely in the sun with your family, you must first eradicate the Warriors Den Society.”

Yin Willsonyang said without thinking: “I understand what you are saying, sir! If the Warriors Den is not eliminated for a day, my family and I will never have peace!”

After saying that, he suddenly remembered the poison in our bodies and asked quickly: “Sir, I want to ask you, you…

You must have a way to remove the poison in our bodies, right? If the poison is not removed, we will all die in a few days. Will die suddenly…”

Charlie nodded and said calmly: “Don’t worry, I will naturally have a way to completely remove your poison, otherwise I wouldn’t do this useless work.”

As he spoke, Charlie added: “A while ago, I took an entire post of knight guards, Warriors Den, and their families from Cyprus.

I have now placed those people in a very safe place. If they don’t leave, Unexpectedly, I will also put you there, but there are so many people here and it is in the interior, so it will be difficult for me to take them all at once without being discovered.

Yin Willsonyang said nervously: “Sir, according to what the woman named Song said, the large-scale blood exchange might start in three days.

After three days, even if we haven’t replaced people here, people from other stations will be replaced. , If we are one day late on the road, someone will arrive at the latest four days. If we can’t evacuate them all before then, I’m afraid we will be discovered.

Charlie nodded and said: “The time is very urgent. I have already arranged the transfer place. I originally wanted to send people out one by one in the next period of time, but now it seems that there is not much time left.”

Give me more time to prepare. Tomorrow, or even tonight at the earliest, I will send the first group of people.”

Speaking of this, Charlie said again: “Next, I want you to cooperate with me with all your strength.

Not only must everyone be divided into groups and evacuated one by one, but everyone must obey orders 100%.

And you are making a plan When you evacuate the batch, you have to make sure that someone works at the refinery until the last day, because the phosphate that you send to the port of Casablanca every day cannot stop.

Once it stops, the Moorish trade in Casablanca will notice it and rush from there. It only takes a little over two hours to drive.

Yin Willsonyang solemnly promised: “Don’t worry, sir, I will definitely coordinate the personnel.

Since you want to take us all away with Warriors Den, you can let Warriors Den and his family go first. We will stay and work overtime.”

Rush to work, first mine enough phosphate ore, then let the refinery work overtime to produce enough finished products, and finally leave the transportation team here to survive the last shift and send the last truck of phosphate smoothly! “

Charlie saw that he was willing to let the Warriors Den be evacuated first, and at the same time he could arrange the order of the matter very clearly.

He was rather positive about his character and abilities, so he nodded in satisfaction and said: “Okay, as long as we do everything to the extreme, these eleven thousand people will disappear from Morocco under the supervision of Warriors Den!”

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