Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7036

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7036

Speaking of this, Song Ruyu continued: “In the eyes of the British Lord, the Song family is a tool for the Wu family to pass on the family line.”

“He always looked down on it. The reason why I was able to attain enlightenment was because when I was sixteen, an Expert from the Wu family went to the Song family to check on the girls of the right age in the Song family, and found that I had entered a dark situation, so they immediately reported the matter to the Grand Governor;”

“It seems that the Grand Governor has never heard of anyone who can cultivate to the dark realm at the age of sixteen. He was shocked and immediately reported this matter to the English Lord;”

“And the reason why he reported it to Victoria was because the Lord had been actively searching for talents suitable for enlightenment, or geniuses who had attained enlightenment, for many years. Once found, he would bring them under the command of the Warriors Den.”

“After the Grand Governor reported my situation to Mr. Ying, Mr. Ying asked the Grand Governor to give me some spiritual teachings so that I could understand it myself.”

“He also said that if I succeeded in enlightening myself, he would accept me as his personal disciple.”

Charlie asked him: “You…you rely on mental methods to attain enlightenment?!”

Just now, Song Ruyu said that she relied on mental methods to gradually break through to the transformation realm. If her enlightenment was also due to mental methods, then this talent was a bit too strong.

Song Ruyu said: “Enlightenment itself is a test for martial arts geniuses by the British Master.”

“He doesn’t have the extra energy to use his own power to help martial arts geniuses realize the Tao.”

“Therefore, whether a martial arts genius can fall into his eyes or not, the final decision of the Trial is whether he can realize his own Tao through mental methods;”

Saying that, Song Ruyu said again: “After I got the article, I immediately realized that this was my only chance to get rid of the fate of marrying into the Wu family and at the same time let the Song family change their fate,

So I read the article As if I had found a treasure, I spent six years meditating without sleep or food, and finally attained enlightenment two years ago, when I was twenty-two years old!”

Charlie’s brain felt dizzy after hearing this, and he couldn’t help but say: “It took six years to realize enlightenment. This speed is unprecedented!”

As he spoke, he looked at Song Ruyu and asked, “So, you are now Victoria’s direct disciple?”

“Not even.” Song Ruyu said clearly: “After I realized the truth at that time, the Grand Governor reported the news to the British Lord.”

“The English lord probably didn’t expect that the collateral family member who was always neglected could actually have a daughter.”

“A girl who could realize Taoism on her own at a young age, so she immediately gave instructions to the Grand Governor to bring her to the Youjun Governor’s Mansion to start working in the Warriors Den Society, and he also wanted her.”

“to wait for him to inspect the Youjun Governor’s Mansion early next year. At that time, I will meet you in person, and then accept you as my direct disciple.”

After saying that, Song Ruyu said again: “The Supreme Commander certainly does not dare to ignore the orders of the British Lord.”

“He immediately took me to the Right Army Governor’s Mansion and gave me the position of Chief Minister. The English Lord also asked me to bring a thin sword and a small Cultivation Pill to the Right Army Governor’s Mansion, and was handed to me by the Governor himself.”

Charlie nodded, raised the thin sword in his hand, and asked him: “Was this sword given to you by Victoria?”

“Yes!” Song Ruyu nodded and said: “The mind-controlled formation in this thin sword has greatly increased my actual combat ability, and the small Cultivation Pill just gave me very precious spiritual energy.”

Speaking of this, Song Ruyu said with a somewhat gloomy expression: “What I never dreamed of was that although the Willson Cultivation Pill sent by Mr. England contained spiritual energy, it also contained a stronger strange poison.”

“That strange poison is quite arrogant. It is said that even monks cannot cure it, and the antidote must be taken within three years, otherwise you will die!”

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