A Man Like None Other Chapter 38

Chapter 38

After David returned home, his parents were not at home, so he should have gone out for a walk again. In such an environment, it would be better to go out more!

No one bothered, David started cultivating in the room!

He has to hurry up to cultivate now, because he doesn’t know what he will face on July 15th. Although the Old Ervin said that that day will give him a big opportunity, who knows whether this opportunity will be accompanied by danger?

Sitting cross-legged, silently reciting the condensed heart formula, David’s dantian began to slowly rotate, and the surrounding aura was slowly absorbed by David and entered David’s body!

Even without dinner, David practiced for another night!


When David opened his eyes, a cloud of turbid air spewed out of his mouth!

“I didn’t expect the power of this resentful dragon to be so powerful…”

David clenched his fist lightly, feeling the strong power in his body, David actually broke through!

Now David has reached the fifth level of Qi training. You must know that he has been in prison for three years and has the guidance of the old master, and he has only broken through to the fourth level of Qi training. It broke through to the fifth floor, which made David overjoyed!

David seems to have found a way to cultivate quickly. As long as he absorbs some resentment and hatred, the speed of cultivation will increase exponentially!

It’s a pity that this kind of thing is hard to come by. Where can I find so many things with resentment and hatred!

Taking a breath, David got off the bed and simply tidied up his clothes!

“Is it Miss Su? I can’t see it, but I can hear you walking!”

At this time, Barbara’s voice came from the living room outside!

“Auntie, you are really amazing!” Sonya smiled: “Don’t always yell like a young lady, it’s more common, just call me Sonya!”

“That’s right, you’re out, so I’ll call you Sonya!” Barbara smiled and nodded again and again: “You’re here to find David, right? He’s still in the bedroom and hasn’t come out yet!”

“David, hurry up, Sonya is here for you!”

Barbara shouted towards David’s bedroom!

“Auntie, don’t shout, I’ll call him!”

Sonya said, and walked straight to David’s bedroom!

Barbara almost jumped up in excitement when she heard Sonya walking towards David’s bedroom.

“This kid also tricked me into being an ordinary friend. Will ordinary friends go directly to the bedroom? I really want to see what my future daughter-in-law looks like!”

Barbara muttered to herself!

“Wife, let me tell you, Miss Su’s appearance, I am afraid that the whole

Horendel is not so beautiful!”

Chen Baoguo walked to Barbara’s ear and whispered.

“Really?” Barbara was a little surprised. She knew that Chen Baoguo was very picky. When David and Delia were together, Chen Baoguo was resolutely opposed. Now that Chen Baoguo can say that, then Sonya’s appearance must not be picked.

“My son is so talented. He just came out and found such a girlfriend, and he was hiding it from us!”

Barbara looked proud!

“Of course, don’t look at who the son is with, if there is me in front, our son will be no worse!”

Chen Baoguo was also very satisfied with David at this time. His gloomy face before was now wearing a smile all day long!

“Okay, don’t blow it, take me out for a walk, and leave a two-person world for the two children!”

Barbara said, dragging Chen Baoguo out of the villa!

On the other side, Sonya pushed the door and walked into David’s bedroom!

When she saw David standing under the bed in complete clothes, Sonya was stunned: “Didn’t you already get up?”

“Why, you don’t want me to get up, do you want to see me take off my clothes?”

David said half-jokingly!

“Bah, who sees the way you take off your clothes!” Sonya rolled her eyes at David, but she was still a little excited. David was able to joke with her, which proved that the relationship between the two people has obviously improved a lot.

“I have something to do with you, come with me!” Sonya dragged David away involuntarily!

David wanted to ask where to go, but Sonya directly pulled David into the car!

But looking at the time, it was still too early for Gu Wentian to invite him to the banquet, so David let Sonya take him away.