A Man Like None Other Chapter 3843

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Chapter: 3843

At this moment, Chen Ping has also arrived outside this magnificent and intact mansion!

However, Chen Ping saw at a glance the aura like flowing water in the mansion!

These breaths stick to the ground, and even if there is any movement, these breaths will ripple!

However, these auras are only within the mansion and there seems to be no way to escape!

Chen Ping restrained his breath and walked in slowly with breathless concentration!

As soon as he stepped in, the atmosphere in the mansion automatically spread to both sides.

“Fairy energy?”

After Chen Ping entered the mansion, he was stunned!

The aura flowing in this mansion is actually immortal energy. Although there is only a thin layer of immortal energy on the ground, this immortal energy is many times stronger than spiritual energy!

The reason why Mu Nayi and the others did not find the existence of immortal energy at all when they entered the mansion was that they could not detect it at all and could not absorb and refine it!

Only when you ascend to immortality will the cultivation techniques in your body change and improve by absorbing the immortal energy!

The techniques they are practicing now cannot absorb the immortal energy at all!

But Chen Ping is different. Chen Ping’s Heart Condensation Technique can absorb all things!

“Boy, have you noticed that these immortal energies are flowing? That proves that there is a place where the immortal energy is flowing, which is why the immortal energy in this mansion always exists.”

“Otherwise, after so many years, this thin layer of immortal energy would have been slowly consumed.”

Demon Lord Chiyun said to Chen Ping.

“Yes, I discovered it too.”

Chen Ping nodded.

He also discovered that the immortal energy in this mansion seemed to be flowing from somewhere, but Chen Ping didn’t know the specific place yet.

Although Chen Ping wanted to absorb these immortal energy and practice at this moment, the Mu family might be here too. Chen Ping didn’t want to be killed for no apparent reason while he was practicing!