A Man Like None Other Chapter 3848

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Chapter: 3848

When Chen Ping heard this, the extremely cold ice flames immediately danced on his fingertips!

Extremely cold ice flames appeared, and the surrounding immortal energy liquid was indeed condensing into ice!

Seeing that it was effective, Chen Ping worked harder!

But the statue is also desperately absorbing the fairy spirit liquid!

In the end, the fairy spirit liquid was completely absorbed, leaving only a large lump of fairy ice ice, dragging it in Chen Ping’s hand!

At this moment, Chen Ping was holding the statue in one hand and the big ice cube in the other!

Just when Chen Ping was about to throw the immortal energy ice cube into the storage ring, he suddenly stopped.

If you throw this immortal energy ice cube into the storage ring, I’m afraid it will be eaten by the sky-swallowing beast again!

In that case, Chen Ping would get nothing!

Just when Chen Ping was wondering whether he should put the immortal energy ice cube into the storage ring, Mu Yao came with his men to kill him!

Mu Yao was on top, looking at Chen Ping’s strange look, and was confused, but no matter what, he was determined to get the statue back!

“Boy, return the statue to me, and I can spare your life…”

Mu Yao and several members of the Mu family came with murderous intent!

When Chen Ping saw this, he couldn’t help but frown. Then he gently tossed the fairy energy ice cube in his hand, and then white flames danced in his palm!

“Extremely cold ice flames…”

Chen Ping struck out with one palm!

Countless amounts of extremely cold mist rushed toward Mu Yao and others!

Mu Yao snorted coldly and united with several members of the Mu family to launch the flaming palm together!

The blazing flames went away against the white cold mist!

But soon, a scene that shocked Mu Yao and others appeared.

I saw the blazing flames, and after colliding with the cold mist, even the flames were instantly frozen!

The beating flames were all frozen, unable to emit the slightest heat wave!

A member of the Mu family who was near the front was slightly touched by the cold mist, and his entire arm was frozen directly!

Just in the flash of lightning, the monk’s arm fell off!