A Man Like None Other Chapter 40

Chapter 40

David smiled and stood there waiting for Sonya!

After seeing David, many girls who passed by turned their eyes back unknowingly. There were even several who came to chat and asked for contact information, but were rejected by David!

At this time, on the other side of the mall, Delia and Jiang Wenjing also came to visit the mall.

Yesterday, Delia was scolded for her wholeheartedness, so she plans to buy, buy, and buy today to make herself feel better.

“Delia, look quickly, there’s a handsome guy standing across from him, you’ll be fascinated by looking at the back!”

Jiang Wenjing said to Delia with some excitement.

When Delia heard Jiang Wenjing’s words, she hurriedly looked up, and she saw a tall boy wearing a suit, standing straight across from him, just by looking at the back, he could feel the noble temperament of the boy!

“Stop being a back kill, right?” Delia said in a low voice.

“Impossible, I can feel it, this must be a handsome guy, Delia, you already have

Young Master Xiao, and this handsome guy will be handed over to me!” After Jiang Wenjing finished speaking, she walked over impatiently!

Delia was also curious and hurriedly followed!

“Handsome guy, are you waiting for someone?”

Jiang Wenjing stepped forward, patted the boy on the shoulder and asked!

But when the boy turned around, Jiang Wenjing and Delia were all stunned on the spot!

“Chen… David, why are you?”

Jiang Wenjing said in surprise.

Delia was also full of shock. She had been with David for several years, and she had never seen David before. It seemed that people really depend on clothes and horses on saddles!

“Why can’t it be me?” David said with a cold smile when he saw Delia and Jiang Wenjing!

“How can you come to this mall, the things here are very expensive!” Jiang Wenjing said with a puzzled face!

The things in this mall are very expensive. Ordinary people have no conditions to come. In Jiang Wenjing’s eyes, David’s family conditions are not even ordinary enough. How can they come to this mall, and the clothes on them seem to be valuable Not cheap!

“Is the mall opened by your house? I can come if I want!”

David unceremoniously choked Jiang Wenjing, and immediately choked Jiang Wenjing to the point of being speechless.

“David, as far as you are virtuous, even if a toad wears a dragon robe, you can’t become a dragon anyway. I don’t know where to buy cheap goods, come here to pretend to be a girl, bah…” Delia spat fiercely at David!

“Whether he can become a dragon, it’s not something you chicken can say!” Before David could speak, Sonya came over with a bit of coldness on her face:

“Wipe off your sh!t for me! “

Sonya pointed at Delia’s spit on David’s clothes and said.

Seeing that it was Sonya, Delia flinched a bit in her eyes. Compared with Sonya, what is she, Delia, who is the richest lady in Horendel!

But in front of so many people in the mall, they called her a chicken and asked her to clean David’s clothes, of course Delia was not happy.

“You… don’t be so mean, don’t bully people just because you are the eldest Miss of the Su family!”

Delia tried her best to keep her momentum.

“I told you to wipe it off, can’t you hear it? You said that if I slap you twice now, would Jordan dare to find me?”

The momentum on Sonya’s body obviously suppressed Delia, causing Delia’s body to shake slightly!

Delia knew that Sonya beat her for nothing, and Jordan would not follow the Su family for her.

David looked at Delia like that, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he sneered without saying a word!

“I’ll wipe, I’ll wipe…”

Seeing this, Jiang Wenjing hurriedly took out a tissue, wanting to replace Delia and wipe it off for David!

“What are you? Can you touch my boyfriend too?” Sonya directly pushed Jiang Wenjing away!

Jiang Wenjing’s face flushed with embarrassment, but she didn’t dare to let go of a f.art, Delia didn’t dare to provoke Sonya, and she didn’t dare.