A Man Like None Other Chapter 44

Chapter 44

After David entered the hotel, he sent a message to Lin Tianhu, asking Lin Tianhu to drive Xiao Yan away. He didn’t want to sit and eat with the Xiao family, and he didn’t want the Xiao family to know too much about his identity. Let’s see how long Jordan and Delia can jump.

Inside the hotel!

Everyone surrounded Gu Wentian with respect, and some people knew that Gu Wentian likes to collect antiques, so they searched everywhere, and then came to give it to Gu Wentian!

Beside Gu Wentian, a burly middle-aged man with a grim face is always vigilant. This person is Gu Wentian’s personal bodyguard Tang Long, who once retired from the Dragon Squadron and once Gu Wentian was still in power. At that time, he would protect himself closely. Now that Gu Wentian has retreated, Tang Long has also retreated, protecting Gu Wentian’s safety all the time!

As long as Gu Wentian attends public occasions, he will always take Tang Long by his side to protect his own safety!

“Everyone, I am entertaining you today. One is not to receive gifts, and the other is not to talk about things. I just want to introduce a new friend to you. You don’t have to be too cautious!”

Gu Wentian waved his hand to make everyone quiet, and then said loudly.

In fact, many people have heard about it for a long time, but now that Gu Wentian said it again, everyone couldn’t help but be surprised. They didn’t know what kind of terrifying background the person introduced by Gu Wentian would have. Not so much fanfare!

“Why hasn’t Mr. Chen come yet?”

Gu Wentian looked at the time and asked Lin Tianhu beside him.

“Maybe soon!” Lin Tianhu didn’t know why David hadn’t arrived yet, but he said it well yesterday.

As soon as Lin Tianhu finished speaking, the phone rang. Seeing that it was David’s message, Lin Tianhu gave Gu Wentian a look at the message.

Gu Wentian looked at the message and nodded slightly: “No wonder Mr. Chen hasn’t shown up yet, so that’s what happened, I didn’t think it through!”

After Gu Wentian finished speaking, he glanced at Xiao Yan who was not far away. At this time, Xiao Yan was also waiting for the young man Gu Wentian said to appear. The person who could be so important to Gu Wentian was definitely not an ordinary person. If they can cling to such a person, the Xiao family might be able to surpass the Su family!

Just as Xiao Yan was thinking, Gu Wentian looked at him and said, “Boss Xiao…”

“Gu…” When Xiao Yan heard this, he hurriedly stepped forward: “What is Gu’s order?”

“Today’s banquet, you are not suitable to attend, go back…”

In front of everyone, Gu Wentian directly ordered Xiao Yan to evict him!

When Xiao Yan heard this, he was stunned and looked at Gu Wentian in disbelief: “Ancient, I…”

But Gu Wentian didn’t wait for Xiao Yan to finish speaking, he directly waved his hand: “See off the guest!”

Seeing this, Xiao Yan was very surprised, but he couldn’t stay here any longer, so he could only helplessly turn around and leave.

This time, everyone speculated that the Xiao family had offended Gu Gu?

At this time, Sonya had sneaked in with David, and the two of them were watching secretly in a corner!

“Let’s hide first, the banquet will start in a while, and we are going out, so that it will not be easy to be discovered!”

Sonya sneaked her head out and looked at it and said.

“Why do you hide? Since you’re in, it would be nice to go out generously!” After David finished speaking, he went straight out!

Sonya was startled and hurried forward to pull David, but she didn’t hold back!


After seeing David, Lin Tianhu said happily!

Gu Wentian raised his eyes and saw David coming, his expression suddenly brightened, and he quickly walked towards David!

At this time, Ruben, who was in the crowd, saw David appear, and Gu Wentian walked towards David, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

This was what he asked Sonya to sneak into David. If Gu Wentian knew about it now, would it still be worth it?