A Man Like None Other Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Ruben quickly walked to the front, winked desperately at David, told David to leave quickly, and then stopped Gu Wentian: “Gu, this person is a waiter in our hotel, he should go the wrong way, run come here!”

Sonya had already caught up with David at this time, dragged David and left, and said, “How do you work, don’t look at the road, come here!” “Wait a minute!” Gu Wentian called out to Sonya directly!

Sonya stopped, and then let go of David in her hands!

“Gu Gu, it was my poor arrangement that let the servants break in, and I will give Gu Gu an explanation later.

Ruben broke out in a cold sweat, for fear that Gu Wentian would be angry!

Gu Wentian was stunned: “You said that Mr. Chen is a servant of your family?”

“Yeah!” Ruben nodded, but was quickly taken aback: “Chen…Mr. Chen?”

Ruben didn’t understand, how did Gu Wentian know that David’s surname was Chen? Why do you still call Mr.

“Yes, my banquet this time is mainly to invite Mr. Chen, you are just to accompany…”

Gu Wentian nodded.

This time, Ruben and Sonya were a little stunned and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

“Ancient, hope I’m not too late?”

David took two steps forward and smiled slightly. “Mr. Chen came at the right time, I don’t know this is…” Gu Wentian pointed at Sonya behind David and asked.

“Ancient, this is the little girl, she is friends with Mr. Chen!”

Ruben is indeed an old man who has been in the mall for a long time, and he reacted immediately!

When Gu Wentian heard this, he immediately laughed: “Heroes and beautiful women are the perfect match in the world!”

After Gu Wentian said this, the others praised David and Sonya one after another!

Sonya blushed so brightly that she didn’t dare to look up!

“Mr. Chen, please take your seat, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!” Lin Tianhu stepped forward and followed David in a gesture of invitation.

David was also not polite, and walked straight to the main seat. A group of people swarmed around David. Although they didn’t know who David was, what they could know was that David would definitely be a powerful person in Horendel in the future. figure!

Gu Wentian and Lin Tianhu are both such respectful people, and they are also the son-in-law of the richest man, the Su family. Who would dare to offend such a person!

Ruben and Sonya looked at each other and followed!

After David was seated, Gu Wentian sat beside David, while the other side was empty, no one dared to do it.

“Miss Su, this place is reserved for you, you two should sit together!” Gu Wentian waved after Sonya with a smile on his face!

Sonya blushed and sat beside David shyly. Sonya’s next position was Ruben. Originally, it was supposed to be for Lin Tianhu, but now if David and Sonya are boyfriend and girlfriend, then Ruben is David’s. Old man, Lin Tianhu dare not sit on top of Ruben!

After everyone was seated, Gu Wentian picked up a glass of wine and said to David, “Mr. Chen, this first glass of wine, I will be the first to salute you…”

Gu Wentian knew very well that after he had toasted the first cup of wine, he would not need to take care of the rest of the matter. None of the people sitting here would know what to do!

“Old polite!”

David picked up the glass and drank it lightly!

Just when David put down his wine glass, Gu Wentian was suddenly stunned, because he saw that David’s brand-new suit was actually spat on!

“Mr. Chen, your clothes are…”

Gu Wentian pointed at the spittle on David’s clothes and asked.

“This is when I was outside and was spat twice by someone with no quality!” David said lightly.

“Who is so bold to spit Mr. Chen?”

Gu Wentian’s face was angry, his eyes swept to everyone present!

You must know that those people outside are sitting on the family members brought by these people, so Gu Wentian will look at the people present.

At this time, everyone’s heart suddenly bulged, and their hearts continued to bless, hoping that it wasn’t their own family who did it!