A Man Like None Other Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Feng Sihai turned sideways, dodging Tang Long’s punch, and after dodging

Tang Long, Feng Sihai did not take action, but looked at Gu Wentian and said, “Gu, I said that I don’t want to be your enemy, you really Do you want to force me?”

Gu Wentian’s face was gloomy and he didn’t speak!

And that Tang Long was so easily escaped by Feng Sihai, he suddenly felt that his face was completely lost, and he said angrily: “Stop talking nonsense, take the trick!”

Tang Long swung his fist backwards and threw it directly at Feng Sihai. If this punch hits, his brains will be thrown out!

Feng Sihai’s eyes narrowed, and his face was also angrily said: “If that’s the case, then I’m welcome!”

After finishing speaking, Feng Sihai, a catcher, grabbed Tang Long’s wrist directly, and then swung it towards Tang Long with a left hook!

Tang Long was startled, his head turned slightly to the side, and then kicked out, trying to force Feng Sihai back!

But Feng Sihai didn’t hide, and let Tang Long kick him in the chest. The huge anti-shock force made Tang Long’s body directly fly out!

Tang Long managed to stabilize his body, but looking at the surprised expressions of the people around him, he suddenly burst into anger: “Feng Sihai, today must be divided between you and me!”

With that said, Tang Long charged towards Feng Sihai again!

“Stop!” Just as Tang Long rushed towards Feng Sihai, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Tang Long and stopped Tang Long directly!

“You are not his opponent, and it is meaningless to fight, I will come!”

David stopped Tang Long and said.

Tang Long felt a burst of humiliation, and said sternly: “Let’s go, with your physique, I’m afraid that one punch will kill you!”

At this time, Tang Long had already lost his mind, and he even spoke rudely to David. He had forgotten the identity of David. That was an existence that even Gu Wentian respected!

However, Tang Long has not seen David’s ability, so in his heart, he does not have much respect for David, just because of Gu Wentian’s face.

The way of martial arts is gradually advancing. David is only a young man in his early twenties. Even if he learns martial arts from his mother’s womb, how powerful can he be?

“Shut up, ba5tard, you dare to be disrespectful to Mr. Chen?”

Gu Wentian immediately reprimanded Tang Long when he saw that Tang Long had spoken unkindly to David!

You must know that Gu Wentian seldom taught Tang Long, and never regarded Tang Long as a servant, but today Tang Long actually said David, how could Gu Wentian dare to let him have his temper!

Tang Long closed his mouth, but he didn’t have much respect for David in his eyes. What he was afraid of was Gu Wentian, not David!

At this time, Sonya also came up, pulled David and said, “Don’t be rude, don’t you see that even Lin Tianhu and Tang Long are not opponents? You are a medical student, don’t follow me!”

Sonya thought that David only knew medical skills and nothing else!

“Today is such a suitable occasion, I should show it well, otherwise, how can I be a poor boy like you, the eldest daughter of gold!”

When Sonya heard this, her face suddenly became shy, this was the first time David said such a thing in public!

Wouldn’t that be the same as confessing to her?

“I don’t care what you look like, I just don’t let you take risks!” Sonya took David’s arm and prevented David from doing it!

“Hurry up and step back, your fists and feet have no eyes, it’s not your time to be brave!”

Seeing that David came up to show himself, Tang Long said with a look of disdain.

After speaking, Tang Long jumped up again and attacked Feng Sihai!

“Hey, it’s said that you are not an opponent, but you are beaten up, you are really stubborn!”

David shook his head helplessly!

“Stop talking, go back!”

Sonya pulled David to sit back again!

Tang Long jumped up this time, but just as he moved forward, he was kicked on the chest by Feng Sihai, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth!

Gu Wentian and the people present watched this scene, each and everyone was shocked.