A Man Like None Other Chapter 51

Chapter 51

“Who, who attacked me?”

Feng Sihai fiercely pulled out the toothpick and roared loudly!

However, in the depths of Feng Sihai’s eyes, there is a trace of fear. Although his hard qigong cannot be invulnerable, even if an ordinary person has a sharp weapon, he may not be able to break through his hard qigong!

But now a small toothpick actually stabbed directly into his arm, which surprised Feng Sihai a little, he didn’t expect that there are masters hidden among these people!

Everyone looked at each other, no one knew who moved the hand!

Only Lin Tianhu looked at David in surprise, with admiration in his eyes!

“it’s me…”

David takes a step forward!

“You?” Feng Sihai looked at David and frowned slightly!

David is only in his early twenties, how could a young man have such strength?

“David, you… don’t be too arrogant, it’s not him…”

Sonya was shocked and hurriedly brought David back! “Miss Su, Mr. Chen will be fine, you don’t have to panic!”

Lin Tianhu stopped Sonya!

“Boy, you have to pay the price of your life for showing off. Do you want to stand up for Lin Tianhu?”

Feng Sihai asked in a cold voice.

“Don’t talk nonsense, if you want to do it, hurry up, I’m very busy!” David said expressionlessly.

At this time, David actually began to have a layer of light mist all over his body.

This is the gathering of the surrounding aura, and then a hard protection is formed around David’s body!

Except for Sonya desperately calling for David to come back, no one is discouraging David!

All these people wanted to see if David really had the ability to make Gu Wentian respect him so much!

“court death!”

A cold light flashed in Feng Sihai’s eyes, and he rushed towards David in an instant!

Feng Sihai’s speed was very fast, like a flash of lightning reaching David in an instant, and then a fist as big as a sandbag swung towards David!

At this time, David looked at Feng Sihai calmly. Facing the swift and violent punch, David seemed to have never heard of it!

“Ah…” Seeing this, Sonya exclaimed, “No!”

But Feng Sihai didn’t stop at all, and punched David’s chest fiercely!


This punch is full of hundreds of pounds of power, even a horse, I am afraid that under this punch, it will die!

But the strange scene found that David’s body, which was only more than 100 jins, did not move under this punch, but Feng Sihai’s arms were strangely bent!

The huge anti-vibration force caused Feng Sihai’s arm to break directly, and the white bones of the forest penetrated the skin and were exposed!


Feng Sihai cried out in pain, looking at his broken arm with disbelief!

“You… you can also harden qigong?” Feng Sihai asked with a twisted face.

“Know a little, it’s just fur!” David sneered!

However, no one would believe David’s words. How could a hard qigong that even Feng Sihai couldn’t break through?

Sonya opened her mouth wide and saw that David was fine, her eyes were full of surprises. At this moment, David was much taller in her eyes, and the love in her heart increased!

“Who do you learn from? Why does my master, Ye Fengchun’s unique hard qigong, do you too?”

Feng Sihai was a little puzzled, who did David learn hard qigong from!

“I have no sect, and I am not a hard qigong. The so-called hard qigong is just a trick to deceive people!”

David smiled lightly and punched Feng Sihai in the chest!

Feng Sihai spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew out!

David is not a hard qigong, he is the method of cultivating immortals, not to mention Feng Sihai’s punch, even a bullet can’t penetrate David’s shield!