A Man Like None Other Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Feng Sihai looked at David in horror, the shock in his heart was beyond words!

With David’s punch, Feng Sihai found that his hard qigong was useless!

“Brother, if you can leave your name as taboo, I will come back to Feng Sihai to ask for advice another day!”

Feng Sihai knew that he was not David’s opponent, and there was no point in fighting. Feng Sihai would definitely withdraw first.

“Feng Sihai, do you want to leave? Tell you, Mr. Chen is here today, and this is your burial place!”

Lin Tianhu looked at Feng Sihaidao proudly.

Feng Sihai’s expression changed, and he looked at David with fear. If David really killed him, he might not be able to leave today!

“My name is David Chen, you can ask me for revenge at any time. If you don’t agree, you can call your master!”

David knew what Feng Sihai meant and smiled coldly.

“Mr. Chen, you can’t let the tiger go back to the mountain…”

Seeing that David really wanted to let Feng Sihai go, Lin Tianhu immediately persuaded him.

“I have my own measure, you step back!” David frowned slightly.

Seeing that David was going to be angry, Lin Tianhu was too frightened to speak any more, so he hurried back!

“Okay, I remember, the green hills are always there, the green water is always flowing, we will have a future!”

Feng Sihai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and waved his hand towards his hand: “Let’s go!”

Feng Sihai took the people away, and there were only those people who attended the banquet left in the huge hall!

“Mr. Chen is really good at it, I really learned it today!”

“Having such an ability at such a young age, Mr. Chen’s future is immeasurable!”

“Sure enough, a hero comes out of a boy!” Everyone praised David!

Gu Wentian did not expect that David was able to exorcise ghosts and subdue demons, yet his martial arts was so strong, which made him pay more attention to David.

“Mr. Chen, forgive my ignorance, and I hope that Mr. Chen will not take offense!”

Tang Long came to David with a face full of shame and apologized.

“It’s okay!” David smiled slightly, but he didn’t take it to heart!

At this time, Ruben looked at David and couldn’t help but smile. He now raised his hands in agreement with Sonya and David!

“You know kung fu, and you don’t say anything in advance, I’ll worry about you for a long time!”

Sonya pretended to be angry and walked in front of David, and then twisted David’s arm!

“Hey…” David frowned, showing great pain: “It hurts…”

Sonya was stunned when she looked at David like that: “I… I’m not exerting any strength? Why does it hurt?” Sonya was a little panicked!

“I was injured by Feng Sihai just now, and I have been holding on, but you are still screwing me…”

David pretended to be in pain, and looked at Sonya with complaints in his eyes.

“Where is the injury? Let me see, show me quickly, I… I don’t know!”

Sonya looked at David’s body in a panic, and looked like she was about to cry!

Everyone around could see that David was pretending, even Ruben could see it, but he didn’t say anything, but looked at the two of them quietly.

Only Sonya didn’t realize that David was pretending because she was too concerned!

“Okay, as soon as you touch me, my injury is healed!”

David was about to cry when he saw Sonya, so he stopped making trouble with her!

As soon as Sonya heard it, she immediately understood that she had been deceived!

“Okay, David, I’ll kill you…”

Sonya raised a fist at David, and David ran away quickly!

Seeing the two sparring, everyone laughed, Gu Wentian patted Ruben on the shoulder: “President Su, your Su family’s future is limitless!”

Of course Ruben understood what Gu Wentian meant, and quickly said modestly, “We have to rely more on Gu to take care of him!”

“I think it should be your Su family who will take care of me in the future!” Gu Wentian laughed loudly!