Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 10

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 10, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

The next morning, still red-eyed and messy-haired Harvey went to the most affluent business district of Niumhi on his electric bicycle.

York Enterprise is located in this prime location.

Jonathan called him last night and said he had completed the handover procedures for York Enterprise. If he signed the papers today, the company would be his.

Harvey was quite worried about this problem. After all, he bought the company for ten billion dollars. That’s why he rushed here so early in the morning without eating breakfast.

Harvey was speechless when he got to the company. No wonder it is the most prosperous area in Niumhi. There are luxury cars everywhere.

He rides his electric bicycle here. If he just casually parked his bike, it might get carried away later.

He took circles around the company and finally found a parking spot at the gate. He suddenly heard the screech of brakes as soon as he parked his bicycle.

Then there was an explosion. His electric bike flies away after being hit by a Porsche.

Damn it!

Harvey was speechless. The electric bike is very unlucky. The battery was just stolen a few days ago and has now been run over by a Porsche.

After all, Porsche is a luxury car. There are only a few scratches on the Porsche. However, the electric bicycle was damaged at the back, and it was impossible to ride it now.

‘The electric bike has been with me for three years!’

Harvey wanted to cry. He is very attached to this electric bicycle.

Meanwhile, there were also many people who had come to see what had happened.

Porsche car paint is very expensive. Is it possible that the person riding this electric bicycle can afford it?

“How do you ride a bicycle?” A beautiful woman pushed open the door of the Porsche and walked out, attracting everyone’s attention.

The people around were amazed by her beauty. This woman is wearing a beautiful professional dress and walking in high heels. She was so elegant, like a woman stepping out of a painting.

Such beauty will be a highlight wherever she goes.

“Wendy?” Harvey smiled. It is such a coincidence. He didn’t expect to meet his Old classmate on his first day at work.
Even if he crashes his electric bike and her, he will forget about it because she is his old classmate.

Harvey had no intention of holding him accountable and was ready to go to say hi. At this time, Wendy saw it.

“This is you? Harvey? Why are you here?”

Wendy became nervous. Harvey bullied a classmate at the Platinum Hotel last night. Why is he here today? Is he following her? Did he come to deceive others?

Wendy was filled with loathing when she thought of this. He bought this Porsche on loan and spent over seven hundred thousand dollars. He really appreciates his car. He never thought that this fellow would add a few more strokes today.

He didn’t know how much it would cost to fix it.

“Harvey, why do you do bad things? You even learned to trick people!” Wendy said aggressively.

“Here, you’re the one who hit me, okay?” Harvey seemed speechless. “Originally I wanted to let him go because we are classmates. How can you say I hit you?”

“What happened?” At this time, a middle-aged Strong Man walked over quickly. He is the head of corporate security. He brought a group of monstrous guards along.

Seeing this scene, the head of security recognized Wendy and quickly said, “Miss Sorrell, what happened?”

There are rumors that Wendy will be promoted to the position of General Manager. Therefore, the head of security is eager to find an opportunity to flatter those around him, shamelessly sucking.

“Can’t you see?” Wendy said coldly.

The head of security smiled and said, “Miss Sorrell, you can rest assured, I will deal with it for you.”

He walked up to Harvey as he spoke. He kicked the electric bicycle and screamed. “Who are you? Don’t you know that this is York Enterprise’s exclusive parking lot? You are not allowed to park your electric bicycle here!”

“Oh, so cool, who came up with this rule?” Harvey said coldly. He wasn’t angry at first, but when he saw someone kicking his electric bicycle, he couldn’t help it.

“Who made it? Of course, it’s me!” The head of security said coldly, “don’t talk nonsense. Just pay for the damages and apologize to Miss Sorrell, otherwise I’ll send you to the police station today.”

Wendy slightly frowned at the head of security’s words. He then said, “Forget it, it shouldn’t be easy for him. Let him pay the damages. Don’t send him to the police.”

Harvey looked at Wendy. He didn’t expect that he still had a little kindness. However, he still pointed at the electric bicycle on the ground and said, “Open your eyes and see clearly. I parked here first.

Then he hit me. I’ve been very kind for not asking him to pay for my damages. Instead, you want me to pay the damages. Have you gone mad?”

“You!” The head of security pointed at Harvey. “Is this person stupid? Miss Sorrell has decided not to call the police, but why are you still insisting that she pay your compensation? Who’s going to drive a Porsche and crash your e-bike?”

He gritted his teeth and continued, Pay close attention, this is our company’s private parking lot. Outsiders are not allowed to park here.”

“Oh, What Coincidence? I work for this company too.” Harvey shrugged.

“Then how dare you offend Miss Sorrell? He could easily put you out of work with just a sentence.”

The head of security looked at Harvey pitifully.

“This child is very poor. Her clothes were bought from stalls on the roadside. He rides an electric bicycle to work. He has to be clean, right? If he offends Miss Sorrell, I’m afraid he won’t even have to wash the toilet, will he?’

“Who’s this? How come I’ve never seen it before? Is he not afraid of offending Miss Sorrell?”

“Yes, we are all on the same side. Why go through all that trouble?”

“Maybe he just wanted to get Miss Sorrell’s attention!”

“That makes sense! Turns out he’s a frog trying to swallow a goose! Doesn’t he look at himself in the mirror? He was wearing cheap clothes. What is he thinking?”

Harvey remained silent.

Some of the employees who were on the side looking were all gently gossiping about Harvey at the moment.

Wendy frowned and said, Do you work at our company? Who recruited you? Why don’t I know? But with your attitude, it doesn’t matter who recruited you, I’m telling you that you are fired.”

“I don’t want you to pay compensation. Just get lost with your electric bike!”