Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 16

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 16, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

The entire Zimmer Villa was silent at that moment. Almost everyone turned to look at Harvey in disbelief.

The living son-in-law said everything for sure. Could he really know who the new CEO invested in York Enterprise?

Don didn’t even believe it. He smiled coldly and said, “Alright! Tell us! Who is the new CEO of my company?”

Harvey held out his hand and pointed it at himself. He then said slowly, York Enterprises new CEO will be me.

Everyone was so shocked that they said no for a second.

But the next second…

“You?”Don was surprised at first. He then held his stomach and laughed out loud.

Finally, he stopped laughing with difficulty. He then looked at Senior Zimmer. “Senior Zimmer, I thought your stay-at-home daughter-in-law just likes putting on shows. But it shocked me to see him act like a fool.”

When he said that, Zack and the others laughed as well. They looked at Harvey like they were looking at an idiot.

Zack said coldly, “Harvey, you’re just a stay-at-home son-in-law. Why are you pretending to be the CEO?”

Ouinn taunted Harvey. “Harvey, is it fun to act like this? Why are you talking nonsense and boasting here?”

Lilian became anxious as well. “Harvey, get back here this instant! Don’t fool yourself!”

“Harvey, don’t get angry and act rashly. You shouldn’t talk nonsense like this.

If you act recklessly, you will hurt yourself.” Mandy looked worried. He thought that Harvey had taken a significant hit that night, so he started lying to himself, thinking that he was the new CEO of York Enterprise.

He took a few steps forward, intending to drag Harvey away. “Don’t play around anymore. Let me take you to consult a doctor.”

“Mandy, I can attest that I’m the new CEO of York Enterprise. Please trust me.” Harvey pulled out his cell phone and showed them the name he had saved in his contact list.

“Don, you are an employee of York Enterprise. I’m sure you know what this name means,” said Harvey.

Don glanced at him casually. As soon as he saw the name Yvonne Xavier, he couldn’t hide his smile. He then said, “Harvey, you are one of the loudmouths. Do you think that’s proof given that you have our Secretary’s name typed in your contact list?

So what if I typed the name of a secretary who works for the richest man in the world on my contact list? Does that make me the richest person in the world? You’re crazy!” Don couldn’t believe it at all.

York Enterprise is a well known company. Almost everyone at Niumhi knows who the vice presidents and secretaries work there.

They are simply oblivious to the identity of the mysterious new CEO. It was normal for Harvey to know about that, but that was guite over the line if he used that as proof.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself? Who is your new CEO?” Harvey said calmly. He then dialed the number and handed it to Don.

“Good. I just wanted to see if you can make a call.”

Don didn’t think the contact number was reachable. So he put the phone on live speaker mode, waiting to see Harvey make a fool of himself.

After a while, they immediately heard a cold voice from the phone. “The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check the number and try again later.”