Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 3

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 3, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Half an hour later, Harvey reached Mandy’s company.

Just as he was about to enter through the entrance, a bodyguard stopped him with a stun baton suddenly.

The bodyguard said coldly, “go! We don’t accept beggars here.”

Harvey had just woken up, and he hadn’t managed to clean himself first.

Additionally, he was wearing a T-shirt and shorts with patches on it. He looked like a beggar on the street.

But Harvey was used to that sort of thing. He smiled and said, “Sir, I’m here to send documents to my wife.”

“Do you have a wife? “The bodyguard is suspicious.

“Is that the cleaning lady-Zara or the worker who works in the back kitchen-Lily?”

“My wife Mandy,” said Harvey.

The bodyguard was stunned. Immediately, he laughed out loud. “I understand. You’re Zimmers’ son-in-law.”

He couldn’t stop laughing.

Harvey shook his head. It had never occurred to him that he was quite famous.

“That is enough. Give me the documents. Miss Zimmer asked me to take the documents from you if you are here,” said the bodyguard.

“No.” Harvey shook his head with determination.

“My sister-in-law said that it’s quite important, so I need to hand it over to my wife personally. Can you step aside…”

“You!” The bodyguard pointed at Harvey helplessly.

“Is he crazy? Didn’t he know how Zimmer didn’t like him?

Besides, she dresses like this. Isn’t he afraid of ruining the company’s image?’

While they were talking to each other, they heard a loud roaring sound of a car engine from behind them suddenly.

Soon, a BMW 5 Series can be seen parked next to Harvey’s electric bike after a high-speed drift maneuver.

Then, they saw Don getting out of the car with a bouquet of roses in his hand.

“Nice to see you here, master Xander!” Noticing Don, the arrogant bodyguard immediately looked friendly and flattering. He immediately said,

”Mr. Xander, please walk this way. Miss Zimmer has been waiting for you in the office for a long time.”

The Don nodded at him. He then turned and walked into the company without even glancing at Harvey.

Harvey will also be entering the company. However, the bodyguard raised his stun baton and blocked Harvey’s way again.

“What do you mean? Why was he allowed into the company and I wasn’t?” Harvey looked at the bodyguard and asked.

The bodyguard sighed and said, “Harvey, you’re just a son-in-law. How can you compare to Mr Xander?

Look, the perfume and roses in her hands certainly cost more than a few hundred dollars.

Do you have that kind of money? From what I can see, you will soon cease to be their son-in-law.”

Harvey was stunned for a moment. He then frowned and asked, “What do you mean?”

“What I mean? Are you stupid or are you putting up an event here? The incidents that happened the previous night spread across the city.

Everyone knows that Mr. Xander is after Miss Zimmer. They are the perfect match. They belong to each other.

Look at yourself! You look so pitiful and useless. I wonder why Miss Zimmer agreed to marry you in the first place?” The bodyguard scolds him.

Meanwhile, the elevator in the company lobby opened. Mandy walked out of the elevator in a floral print dress, looking absolutely gorgeous and gorgeous.

At that moment, he saw Don. He smiled and nodded at her. He then said, “Mr. Xander, I’ve been waiting for you for some time.”

Don narrowed his eyes, and a glint of greed was far away in his eyes. It is almost indistinguishable.

He licked his lips subconsciously and handed her a bouquet of flowers gracefully. He smiled and said, “Some people say that great gifts should be given to those who deserve them.

Mandy, you are as beautiful as a flower. So only you deserve this bouquet.”

Mandy slightly frowned. He still remembered the incident that happened the night before.

Don had proposed in front of everyone, and now the entire incident was known at Niumhi.

Now, he was even chasing after her in an extremely daring manner.

At first, Mandy is reluctant to meet Don. But his company was in dire need of some funds now, so he had no choice but to ask Don for help.

Thinking of that, Mandy smiled and said, “Mr. Xander, you flatter me. I invite you today with such cordiality because I want to negotiate a business deal with you. How can I take a gift from you?”

Don smiled happily and said, “It’s no big deal, and it doesn’t mean much. Mandy, you said that you didn’t want my gift. Do you think that it’s not good enough?

How about this? I’ll get someone to send some roses from Prague. How about that?”

“You don’t have to do that. Prague’s rose production is not good this year.

I heard that the roses they grow there cost over a thousand dollars per rose. It’s not worth much…”

Mandy shook her head. Even though he adored the roses there, he couldn’t help but find the price ridiculous.

“Over a thousand dollars per rose…” the Don’s eyes twitched slightly. ‘Of course, I can’t just serve her roses. I have over a hundred roses here in my hands.

If I want to gift him, I have to have this much. Therefore, it cost over two million dollars.’

When Don thought about that, he couldn’t help but look a little awkward even though he was a man who always looked condescending in front of others because of his wealth.

However, at that moment, Harvey who was standing outside the lobby managed to get past the bodyguards and barged into the lobby suddenly.

He grabbed the bouquet of flowers in Don’s hands and threw them on the floor.

“Honey, Don’t take things from others. If you like roses, I will buy them for you. This is just a rose!”

Unknowingly, Harvey had become quite bold. He took Mandy’s small, soft hand and dragged her toward the elevator.

“Harvey, let me go. What kind of nonsense are you spouting?” Mandy reprimanded him gently.

They were currently in the company’s lobby, and it was packed. Of course, he couldn’t fool himself considering he was the CEO there. So he subconsciously wanted to let go of his hand, but his hand was tightly held by Harvey.

“Bastard! Come back here!” At first, Don felt a little awkward.

Now, he was engulfed in a deep rage. In fact, he chose the bouquet with extreme care as it cost over a thousand dollars.

He would definitely be furious considering it was thrown on the floor just like that.

‘What’s more important here is that bastard holding my Goddess’ hand! I can’t even hold her hand yet!’

“You ruined my Flower! Are you able to balance it? Who are you?” Don slapped the elevator door with his left hand and forced it open again.

“Damn it! You better give me an explanation now. Otherwise, you will have to pay a heavy price for it!”