Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7260

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7260, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7260

Seeing Ouyang Susu pull the trigger calmly and firmly, the prickly head was terrified to urinate in an instant.

Although he was finally sure that Ouyang Susu was empty, he was already sweating and could barely stand straight.


Ouyang Susu kicked the head of the thorn to the ground.

But at this moment, all the employees present fell silent, and they lost their will to fight back in front of Ouyang Susu’s cruelty and callousness.

If it was said that Chen Yulan was the previous queen, it would be really amazing.

But at this moment, Ouyang Susu was a real female general, not only stunning, but also extremely terrifying.

Many staff, young and old, work here just to earn a living.

Just came out, but also because of the herd mentality.

Seeing that the leading thorn was being suppressed at this time, how dare they say anything.

Anyway, shoot the bird!

“We’re all smart people, so I’ll make a long story short, and I only have to say it once.”

Ouyang Susu clapped her hands.

“From today onwards, I will be Bai Jinhan’s speaker. In Bai Jinhan, there is only one voice, and that is me, Ouyang Susu.”

“Who has an opinion?”

Everyone present lowered their heads, not daring to open their mouths to confront.

The other thorns, after Ouyang Susu casually glanced at him, trembled and did not dare to speak.

After all, Ouyang Susu’s aura is here, who dares to make trouble with it?

Seeing that Ouyang Susu had solved a lot of problems, Harvey York appreciated her even more at this time.

Presumably, under Ouyang Susu’s leadership, Bai Jinhan’s future will only get better and better.

Time passed, and at five o’clock in the afternoon, Ouyang Susu walked into the multifunctional meeting room.

At this place, many Bai Jinhan executives have arrived.

When they saw Ouyang Susu appear, these people subconsciously stood up and…

greet politely.

Obviously, not long ago, Ouyang Susu’s decisive actions had reached their ears.

Coupled with Harvey York’s strong support for Ouyang Susu, these executives can understand.

This means that from now on only Ouyang Susu’s voice can really be heard here.

Anyone who dares to create

trouble with Ouyang Susu means making trouble with himself and waiting for death!

“Hai Nona Ouyang!”

Several executives spoke in unison.

“sit down.”

Ouyang Susu nodded lightly, then walked to his chair and sat down.

His eyes were as cold as the edge of a knife, and he scanned the audience like this.

Facing Ouyang Susu’s indifferent gaze, those executives almost subconsciously lowered their heads, not daring to look at Ouyang Susu at all.

It was as if they had all been seen by Ouyang Susu, and there were no more secrets in their hearts.

Genuine fear looms, these executives are well aware.

Ouyang Susu is absolutely nothing more

bad from Chen Yulan.

Even if there are some who are not sure deep down and feel that they have a strong background, they do not dare to stand up and be the first bird at this time.

If Ouyang Susu’s revolver was not empty this time, wouldn’t his life be lost?

After all, this crazy woman who just came out of Ninggu Tower might dare to do anything!

Who would risk their own lives for the so-called possibilities nowadays?

Ouyang Susu ignored these people’s small thoughts, and said calmly at this time:

“I checked the list, the number is wrong, who hasn’t arrived yet?”