Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7262

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7262, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7262

“If people in this world are divided into three, six, and nine classes.”

“Then Chen Tiangang is the highest class!”

“All summer, I thought there was only one person who could compare to him.”

“A man can surpass him!”

By the way, Ouyang Susu’s expression was strange.

Harvey York smiled lightly, and said, “The person who can compare with him should be Ning Xiaoyao, the eldest son of the Ning family, right?”

“I wonder, in your eyes, who can surpass him?”

Ouyang Susu said seriously:

“Just the head coach of Great Country H, the legendary…”

Harvey York smiled gently when he heard the words, and said, “Unfortunately, the head coach of Big H Country, is just a legend.”

“In your eyes, the only person who is qualified to compare with Chen Tiangang is Jonathan Leduc. “

“Then tell me, if I step on Chen Tiangang on the soles of my feet, does that mean he is nothing more

of the?”

Ouyang Susu glanced at Harvey York with a strange expression, then sighed, and said, “Basically I have read the information about your problem and analyzed it many times.”

“People like you do have some advantages. Even in Wolsing, you can make Chen Tiangang suffer a lot.”

“But, don’t forget, this is not Wolsing, but Jiecheng.”

“A special border city for the Seven Great Families!”

“Even if he once became the master of Jiecheng, Wujue may not be able to win Chen Tiangang.”

“Are you a little too confident?”

Harvey York smiled and said, “Are you saying that you want to cultivate people’s ambitions

others and destroy your own prestige?”

Ouyang Susu said lightly, “I called this to let you see the reality clearly.”

“After all, I can return a lot to do with you.”

“I hope you will last a long time, and I even hope you can step on Chen Tiangang’s position.”

“But the problem is, if you

failure or death, without you as my support, my fate would not be as easy as leaving the border town…”

Harvey York smiled and said: “Your sincere words really make people wonder whether they should be happy or sad.”

“However, I will try harder.”

“Let you live forever, in Jiecheng…”

Hearing Harvey York’s words, Ouyang Susu sighed, not knowing what to say.


At this moment, the door of the general manager’s office was suddenly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a woman in a suit and uniform appearing surprisingly with a somewhat frightened expression: “Miss Ouyang, something happened! Something happened!”

Ouyang Susu glanced at the woman, and said calmly: “Jiang Yan, if what you said in a moment is not a big deal, then I will make it a big deal for you, understand?”

The corners of Jiang Yan’s eyes twitched, and he said, “Miss Ouyang, isn’t Huang Cuicui hosting guests from Atlantis today?”

“Now, those guests want Huang Cuicui to accompany them back.”

“Huang Cuicui refused, and they fought!”

“Even the security captain who rushed to save the scene was taught a lesson by the other party.”

“I heard that it has been disbanded.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Yan looked frightened.

Ouyang Susu frowned and said, “The security team has been disbanded?”

Jiang Yan tremblingly said:

“Miss Ouyang, you don’t know, people from Atlantis have extraordinary status, and we servants cannot refuse.”

“It is said that their identity is definitely not inferior to that of the Seven Great Families…”

Speaking of this, Jiang Yan glanced at Ouyang Susu from the corner of his eye, as if he wanted to see how she would deal with it.