Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7263

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7263, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7263

Harvey York watched this scene indifferently, and he knew with his toes that this was definitely not an accident, but someone deliberately arranged it.

If Ouyang Susu couldn’t solve this problem tonight, no matter how capable and great she was before, she would…

becomes a complete joke.

It can only be said that this is not just a temptation, but also a conspiracy in the true sense!

Threatening opponent!

Ouyang Susu obviously also saw this, she stood up now, and said coldly: “Okay, since someone came to slap me in the face, destroy my platform.”

“Then no matter what, I have to go

and see for yourself!”

While talking, Ouyang Susu stood up and walked out with several personal guards.

Seeing this scene, Harvey York put down his tea cup and followed in a very humble manner.

Soon, Harvey York and Ouyang Susu came to one building in the Baijinhan clubhouse.

Currently, there were more than a dozen security guards lying limp on the ground outside, each with their legs broken or their arms twisted behind their backs.

From this point of view, they really did their job.

At the door, there were several blond-haired and blue-eyed Westerners, all dressed in dark black suits with gold decorations inlaid on the neck of the coat, which seemed to be enough to show that their identity was very high.

“No, let me go, please let me go!”

“Our Baijinhan is a business club, there is no such service!”


At this moment, there was applause, the sound of clothes tearing, and the man’s sneer from inside the building.

From this point of view, the people inside were in a dire situation.

Seeing Ouyang Susu and his party arriving, the security captain present quickly dragged her injured body forward: “Miss Ouyang, we…”

“A bunch of trash.”

Ouyang Susu spoke indifferently, and without further ado, he took out a revolver from his pocket and pulled the trigger at those Westerners.

Before the Westerners could say anything, they all slumped to the ground clutching their stomachs.

Even though he wasn’t dead, he had already lost his fighting power.

Ouyang Susu didn’t talk nonsense, and just kicked the door.

Then, he squinted and looked inside. Seeing Huang Cuicui being held down by someone, the Westerner continued to grin.

“explosion–” BEENGG.. BEENGG—

Ouyang Susu was too lazy to talk nonsense, and pulled the trigger directly.

Only for a moment, then the Westerner who was unbuttoning his belt trembled, then fell limply on Huang Cuicui’s body.

Ouyang Susu didn’t look at the man and Huang Cuicui again, but found out

a place to sit down, and say calmly, “Come on, who can tell me what’s going on?”

There was a moment of dead silence.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Ouyang Susu, it seemed unexpected that Ouyang Susu acted in such a domineering manner, without the slightest delay. And Bai Jinhan’s executives who followed all felt the corners of their eyes twitch.

They originally wanted to see a joke

Ouyang Susu, but judging from the scene before them, they didn’t know who the person who was joking was!

Harvey York saw this scene, and there was a strange color in his eyes.

It can only be said that Ouyang Susu’s acting skills and style are simply amazing!

Ouyang Susu ignored everyone’s gaze, and continued: “Is everyone dead? Why is no one talking?”