Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7264

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7264, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7264

At this moment, suddenly there was the sound of footsteps on the second floor of the building, as well as the sound of someone lightly clapping.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the Great H Country’s half-baked language coming over: “Miss Ouyang, you are really amazing.”

“Bai Jinhan’s so-called bodyguards are all trash. When they see the color of our skin, they kneel in their hearts.”

“But in Miss Ouyang’s eyes, there is no such thing. It can only be said to be extraordinary.”

“The only thing that makes people feel sorry is, how could such a strong woman be kicked by Chen Tiangang?”

When he said this, there was a hint of sarcasm and provocation in his words.

said the visitor.

Knowing these details is enough to explain the privileges of visitors.

Harvey York glanced over, and saw that the person who spoke was a Westerner with a lazy aura all over his body. He was not very old, around twenty years old at most, and his figure was not as strong as a Westerner. , but comes across a bit thin.

This Westerner’s complexion is pale, his eyes are a bit tired and deep, from this point of view, this person can eat,

drinking, and playing, and he had plenty!

“It’s you, Beresford.”

When seeing the visitor, Ouyang Susu’s expression became serious.

“I thought it was someone who was so bold that he dared to come to Bai Jinhan to play wild. I didn’t expect it to be you, the legendary young master of the Atlantis Knights Templar.”

“What? Knights are not easy to control, so they ran to my place and pretended?”

Hearing Ouyang Susu’s words, the expressions of a dozen Western men and women standing behind Beresford changed, and then they stepped forward with murderous eyes.

“False! Bitch, how dare you get angry with our young regiment leader!?”

“The brothers in our group are just playing with bitches, does it have anything to do with you?

Believe it or not, we even played with you?”

“With a firearm in your hand, do you feel great? Don’t forget, it was invented by us Westerners! If you want to use it, we are much easier than you!”

Several blonde-haired and blue-eyed Western girls were wearing swimsuits at this time, and their emerald green eyes were full of excitement. Obviously for them, this was a rare good show.

Most importantly, Ouyang Susu’s status was indeed very high in the past, even when she went to Atlantis, she would be received at the level of a state guest, and many people wanted to curry favor with her.

But what, the current Ouyang Susu is a tiger in Pingyang who is bullied by dogs, and a down-and-out phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken.

Therefore, these Westerners who always hate the poor and love the rich naturally look down on Ouyang Susu.

It is also a rare experience and pleasant recognition to be able to step on the soles of a once high-ranking Tianjiao celebrity.

“Okay, close your beak.”

“No matter how sad this old woman is, it is not your turn to jump

-jump here like trash!”

Ouyang Susu didn’t pay attention to these Westerners, but squinted at Beresford.

“Bai Jinhan is my place.”

“At my place, you can eat, drink and sing. As for other transactions, as long as you leave Bai Jinhan, you can do whatever you want, and I won’t care.”

“This is the rule!… “Young regiment leader, you can also be considered a scene person. You don’t want to tell me that you don’t even understand this truth, do you?”