Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7266

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7266, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7266

Ouyang Susu sighed, and said coldly: “It seems that the young regiment leader did not appear by chance today, but deliberately disturbed me?”

“What did I offend your young regiment leader before, so that you know that I am alone now, and you stepped on me on purpose?”

“Intentional? Sorry, I really didn’t mean that.”

Beresford snorted.

“Moreover, with your status and situation today, you are not qualified to let me deliberately target you.”

“When you meet me, you have no other status than kneeling, understand?”

Ouyang Susu’s eyes became colder and colder, she was about to step forward, but Harvey York stopped her with a wave of his hand.

Harvey York stepped forward, squinted at Beresford, then arrived

-suddenly smiled, and said, “Atlantean Templar Knights? Is that amazing?”

“When did you dare to come to the territory of Great Country H, to be arrogant?”

Harvey York didn’t want to at first

stood out, but wanted to see how Ouyang Susu would solve it.

But at this time, Beresford’s arrogance made him unable to bear it, so he simply walked out.

“What’s wrong? Now a dog on the side of the road dares to stand up and save the beauty?”

“What class, asking me like that?”

Beresford had an ironic expression all over his face.

“What? Are you going to move me?”

Harvey York smiled and said: “If you make such a request, if I don’t fulfill you and satisfy you, will it appear that I am too useless?”

“Tch, a lost dog is also qualified to bark in front of me.”

Beresford had an unbelievable expression on his face.

“Mike, break his limbs and throw them away, don’t affect my mood.”

At this time, Beresford had no intention of getting involved with Harvey York at all

After all, in his eyes, Harvey York was just a street cat or dog, not worth mentioning at all.

The person he will face is Ouyang Susu.

Now Harvey York jumps out, apart from letting him step on the ground and hit Harvey York in the face, what’s the point?

After hearing this, a middle-aged Westerner named Mike stepped forward slowly.

“Little guy, remember, the person who paralyzed you is called Mike.”

Mike spoke slowly, his words indifferent, but with unspeakable arrogance.

This arrogance does not come from his words and actions.

That was because he was so arrogant just standing here.

Harvey York nodded and said, “Self-declaration? Then you also remember, my name is Harvey York.”

Mike raised his eyebrows, feeling

that name was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

“You’re Harvey ?”

When Beresford heard the name, he sneered. “Could it be someone from Hong Kong who is betting on Yemen?”

“Tell you, it’s useless. “Whether it is the top ten or the top five, at most it is just pretending

the temple is in the territory of your Great Country H!”

“In front of us, it means nothing at all!”

“Mike, get rid of him!”

Following Beresford’s order, Beresford did not speak, but drew out the western knife around his waist with a cold expression, and directly slashed in the air.


Ye Hao took out half of the

badge from his arm with an indifferent expression, and threw it on the ground casually.

Mike was taken aback for a moment, his whole body shook, and he suddenly stopped the western knife that was about to fall on the spot.

The huge impact force made him spout a mouthful of blood. But he didn’t pay attention, but was shocked.