Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7269

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7269, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7269


Under the unbelievable gazes of Beresford and the others, they saw Mike, who had always been arrogant and domineering, kneel on the ground and kowtow respectfully three times.

“Mike, join in, OK?”

“Representative York, everything that happened tonight was a misunderstanding, no, no, it’s because we don’t know Mount Tai…”

“I shouldn’t make trouble here, and I shouldn’t argue with Miss Ouyang!”

“We sincerely hope you will give us a chance to make amends!”

Right now, Mike knew right in his heart.

Regarding the existence of this legendary level, not only could I not do anything to the other party, but also, in front of the other party, there was no room for resistance.

The legendary God of War of the First Knights Templar only lasted for three rounds in the opponent’s hands.

If you do it yourself, I’m afraid even a slap can’t stop it!

Moreover, once they did, the Knights Templar might have to pay an unimaginable price!

Thinking of this, Mike’s expression became even more bitter.

He begged again respectfully: “Representation of York, please show me mercy and give me


Beresford and the others looked at the scene in front of them, and the corners of their mouths twitched non-stop, which was unacceptable.

Several Western beauties subconsciously slapped themselves one by one to confirm that they were not dreaming.

Moreover, the scene in front of me was too shocking.

“Give you a chance?”

Harvey York narrowed his eyes slightly.

“It’s not impossible, since you are so knowledgeable and have good eyesight, I can give you face and not kill you.”

“Hands or feet, choose yourself.”

“Once it’s broken, you can go out.”

Before Mike could speak, Beresford had already opened his mouth with a difficult expression: “You… are you really the one in the legend?”

At this moment, Beresford couldn’t believe it at all.

How could the seemingly ordinary Harvey York become a legend?

But the thing is, half of it

the badge cannot be faked.

“Since you hope I don’t, you can move.”

Harvey York shrugged.

“But I’m in a hurry now, and I’ll just give you some time at most.”

“If you want to cripple yourself, you have to keep causing me trouble.”

“But at that time, it is at your own risk.”

Hearing this, all these Westerners who claimed to be superior to others trembled. They knew the legend of Harvey York very well.

What is it if you don’t seek death with such a person?

Beresford gritted his teeth and said, “Young Lord York, this too

the first time you and I met. As the saying goes, those who don’t know are innocent!”

“If you keep the hills green, you don’t have to worry about no firewood!”

“I hope you will look Atlantis in the face and give us a chance…”

Harvey York said lightly, “Atlantis is here with me, shameless!”

Ouyang Susu behind took out his mobile phone, opened the countdown software, and displayed it in front of those Westerners.

A group of extraordinary Westerners watched the numbers jumping on the phone screen, and the corners of their eyes couldn’t help but twitch at this moment.

“His last name is York!”

Seeing that Harvey York looked down on him completely, Beresford felt a kind of self-defeating anger.

“I know you’re amazing, but I’m not a cat or dog on the side of the road! I am the Young Master of the Knights Templar!” “You actually dare touch me!?”