Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7270

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7270, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7270

“Touch me, and the descendants of the gods in Atlantis will fight with you forever!”

“And I, Beresford, will register you as an enemy for life!”

“Even if I can’t do anything to you

now, but Feng Shui takes turns, don’t bully the young and poor!”

In this case, Beresford has killer taste.

Obviously, he felt that as long as the entire Atlantis was pulled out as support, Harvey York would completely let him go.

After all, no matter how strong Harvey York is, he is only one person.

How can one person fight thousands of people?

Mike subconsciously reminded at this time: “Young regiment leader, in front of a real master, the number is only


“Shut up! As a noble Westerner! How can you bend your knees before the pariahs of the Far East!?”

At this time, Beresford interrupted Mike’s words.

“You are my guardian, for you to obtain your current strength, my family has paid a huge price!”

“But, I didn’t expect you to be so cowardly when I needed you!”

“Let me tell you, after this incident, I will ask the jury to give you a sentence!”

When he said this, Beresford looked angry.

He felt that even though Mike was afraid of Harvey york’s power, he had to do it himself!

It is too shameful to kneel without saying a word!

After scolding Mike, Beresford narrowed his eyes at Harvey

York , and said softly, “My last name is York, let me tell you, this is the end of tonight’s business!”

“I won’t pursue the matter that you beat my man, and you don’t want to come and ruin my business!”

“In short, the two of us, you walk on your Sunshine Bridge, and I walk on my Dumugang!”


“This is the kindness of Atlantis, I hope you can understand!”

When I said this, Beresford had an expression on my face that I had respected the corporal. The goal was to make Harvey York turn around and leave, and both sides smiled to end their complaints.

Harvey York smiled and said, “How? I guess not.”

“You Harvey, enough is enough, I confessed, what more do you want?”

Beresford stared at Harvey York angrily.

“If you tear your face like this, in the end, it won’t benefit anyone!”


Harvey York smiled, took a step forward, and said calmly: “This is the first time someone in Atlantis dared to threaten me.”

“Well, I have decided, if you break your hands and feet together, this matter will be solved.”

As if cooperating with Harvey York Ouyang Susu said coldly, “It’s time.”


Beresford slammed the wine glass on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, “Bastard, I don’t believe you actually dare to do anything to me!”

“I will lend you a day to make you brave!”

Harvey York glanced at the ground, and said calmly: “The wine glasses are specially made by Big Country H, each worth 100 million, remember to pay

the money later, then leave.”


Beresford was still crazy, but he saw Mike beside him suddenly step forward and kick him to the ground.

Beresford was in a daze. She stood up hastily, and hissed, “Mike, you rude man, how dare you touch me?”



Before Beresford could finish speaking, Mike had already stepped forward, grabbed his right wrist and twisted it hard.

At this moment, Mike looked at Beresford with only indifference and regret.