Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7271

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7271, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7271

Beresford didn’t understand how scary Harvey York was, but Mike knew exactly how scary this legendary one was.

And he’d rather offend the Knights Templar than Harvey York.

So this time, Mike neatly broke Beresford’s wrist.


Beresford let out a very miserable scream in an instant, he never imagined that Mike would dare to treat himself like this.



Before the screams stopped, Mike had grabbed Beresford’s right leg and was twisting it again.

The same shrill scream came out, and Beresford rolled on the ground in pain, letting out a roar like killing a pig.

This scene put everyone present in a trance, and some people couldn’t help but slap themselves twice to confirm that

they are not dreaming.

After all, no one would have imagined that a big man like Beresford would have his arms and legs cut off within one day of arriving in Jiecheng.

When this news was sent back to Atlantis, it would definitely cause shock.

Without giving the others a chance to be surprised, Mike knelt on the ground again after

finished his work, and said in a low voice: “Representative York, everything that happened tonight was our fault, and I have broken one of his arms and one of his legs!”

“I hope you will be satisfied with this explanation.”

Harvey York expressionless, said lightly, “Not enough.”

The corner of Mike’s mouth twitched slightly, and the next moment he jumped up,

grabbed the other Westerner’s hand with lightning speed, then broke it forcefully.

The speed is very fast, and there is no intention to be soft-hearted.

In less than a minute, all the Westerners collapsed and rolled on the ground.

In the end, Mike broke his hand neatly, then knelt in front of Y

Harvey York again.

I have to say, this is really full of sincerity.

Although Harvey York felt that the group of people coming to Atlantis was an eyesore, Mike’s actions gave him no reason to be angry.

“Representative York, I don’t know if you are satisfied with my explanation.”

Mike hissed.

Harvey York stood up, took Mike’s hand, and helped him continue the connection, then said with a little appreciation: “Knowing progress and setbacks, right and wrong, you are good.”

“Among Westerners, you are a foreigner.”

“I will give you a chance

to live with me, how about it?”

Mike was taken aback for a moment, but after a while, he shook his head slowly and said, “I really want to agree to your request!”

“But now I have the responsibility to eat the king’s salary and be loyal to the king.”

“If only for your few words, I would have joined you.”

“I will never feel comfortable in my life, and you will look down on me.”

Harvey York smiled and said, “Okay, I won’t force you.”

“But one day, if you are desperate, I will open the door for you at any time.”

“Also, when I come back, I will tell you the high-level members of the Knights Templar.”

“Don’t interfere in Jiecheng’s affairs, because I have them

final decision regarding Jiecheng.”

“Anyone who dares to interfere will find death.”

Mike nodded like pounded garlic: “Got it!


Harvey York clapped his hands and said lightly, “If you understand, come out.”

Mike nodded slightly, and after hesitating for a moment, he still said softly: “Representative York, although we did

First mistake tonight, some people hinted that we could come here to act recklessly.”

“I think, with your cleverness, you can already guess who it is!”

After saying this, Mike helped Beresford, who had fainted from pain, to leave.