Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7272

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7272, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7272

Obviously, when a guy like Mike sees Harvey York, he knows he’s been conned.

The head of his own young regiment was also used as a weapon.

Having said that, however, I’ve already lost face, so why don’t you tell

everything clearly.

The big problem is that everyone hugs and dies together?

Hearing Mike’s words, Harvey York’s indifferent eyes fell on Huang Cuicui.

Huang Cuicui’s expression changed instantly, and she subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave.

But before he left, Ouyang Susu

waved his hand, and immediately saw several tall security guards rushing out, pushing Huang Cuicui to the ground.

Huang Cuicui’s face was full of panic at this time, and with a hint of fear and madness, she gritted her teeth and said: “Don’t touch me, no one can touch me!”

“I belong to Young Master Chen!”

“Eldest Young Master Chen has agreed, as long as I help him

solve this problem, I will become Mrs. Jiecheng!”

“Ouyang Susu, you are just jealous of me, jealous that I can climb to the top, that’s why you keep targeting me!”

Hearing such gossip, Harvey York raised his eyebrows, then handed over the handling of this matter to Ouyang Susu.

Ouyang Susu looked indifferently, looking at Huang

Cuicui said lightly and said, “Do you think you have a chance to become Miss Jiecheng?”

“No matter how stupid Chen Tiangang is, he wouldn’t say something like that to you, right?”

“Even if his head was flooded for a while, and he told you something like that, you can’t just believe it when your head gets hot!”

“You don’t even think about it, do you deserve it?”

Huang Cuicui was taken aback for a moment, then struggled fiercely: “You are jealous, you poisonous woman!”

“Do you think that if you hurt me, you will have a chance to become a young lady?”

“Let me tell you, you never will

the chance of your life!”

“I won’t let you do that.”

Ouyang Susu sighed, glanced at the many Bai Jinhan staff who had heard the news, and then said indifferently: “Everyone, everyone should know that the first rule I made is to Reward and punish clearly.”

“I fired Huang Cuicui today

and gave him three months’ salary.”

“But it’s okay for him not to be grateful to Dade, and relying on his good looks, he deliberately caused trouble in Bai Jinhan, tried to make things big, and even forced me to step down.”

“I have to say that the plot is very simple, and the effect is very good.”

“This makes me feel that,

to prevent something similar from happening again, and to set an example for others, I must tell everyone clearly what my style of behavior is.”

Having said that, Ouyang Susu casually took out a revolver from his chest, then took out a lead bullet, inserted it into the wheel, turned it slightly, and then closed it.

“Huang Cuicui, for you to give me an explanation, and also to give

lesson to all.”

“I’ll play with you, just shoot once.”

“If you are lucky and survive, I will not only let you go, but also apologize to you, and promise three conditions, no matter how harsh, I will agree.”

“Even if you want to be Jiecheng’s young wife, I will fully support you to

take that position.”

“Do you dare to play with me?”

With messy hair, Huang Cuicui gritted her teeth and said, “Come on bitch, shoot!”

“I should be a young lady and trample you under the soles of my feet!”

Ouyang Susu nodded, then decisively pulled the trigger.

“Shoot–” DOORR——

There was a blood hole between Huang Cuicui’s eyebrows, and her body collapsed to the ground.

Ouyang Susu sighed: “It seems that you don’t have this life!”