Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7276

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7276, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7276

Chen Tiangang picked up the wine glass in front of him, took a sip, and said lightly, “What’s wrong?”

Lin Wuwu narrowed his eyes and said slowly, “The most important thing is to find a way to compensate Beresford at this time!”

Chen Tiangang said slowly: “We didn’t hurt Beresford, why should we compensate him? Wouldn’t it be better for him to live with the hatred of Harvey York and Ouyang Susu?”

Lin Wuwu smiled and said, “It is true that Beresford was not hurt by us.”

“But Young Master Chen, don’t forget that we are behind this incident

to some extent.”

“Even if Beresford is stupid, don’t forget that there is a whole family with the blood of the gods behind him, as well as the Knights Templar!”

“If his family wants to know the truth, we will shoot ourselves in the foot this time!”

“So at this critical moment, we must compensate him and make him satisfied!”

“In this way, he will stand by our side completely, regardless of right or wrong, and will never die with Harvey York !”

Having said that, Lin Wuwu continued: “Young Master Chen, I know that in your capacity, it would be embarrassing to whisper to trash like Beresford!”

“So, you don’t need to deal with this matter, I will take care of it.”

“All I need is your approval!”

Lin Wuwu knew very well that in front of Chen Tiangang, no matter what he wanted to do, he had to give Chen Tiangang enough face!

What Chen Tiangang liked most was this feeling of strategizing.

After thinking for a while, Chen

Tiangang slowly nodded and said, “Okay, Wuwu, I know you always act safe.”

“Since you have spoken, let you handle this matter! Thank you Young Master Chen for your trust!”

Lin Wuwu smiled slightly, his face full of respect.

“Besides this matter, I have one more thing to say.”

“I think we should stop doing unnecessary things before the High Priest’s birthday banquet!”

“Initially, our chances of winning were 100 percent.”

“However, recently, we have done too much and made too many mistakes.”

“Right now, I conclude that, Young Master Chen, your chances of succeeding in that position

less than 90%!”

“If you make a few more mistakes, the odds are even lower.”

“So, no matter what hatred you have in your heart, I suggest that Young Master Chen endure it for now.”

“Patience calm down for a while!”

Chen Tiangang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said calmly after a long time: “I understand what you mean, in the current situation, it is better to do nothing than to do something.”

“As long as you remain calm, not even five swords will be able to block my path.”

In this case, do not create side effects.”

“But Wuwu, although you are good at calculating, you don’t know much

about one thing!”

“This means that when our prestige continues to decline, we need something to boost our morale!”

“Harvey York was a very difficult bastard to deal with. If that is the case, we will ignore him for now and let him go as if he doesn’t exist!”

“After I take over, there will be many ways to

face it!”

“But before that, we absolutely cannot allow traitors to appear in our camp again!”

“So, Harvey York can be quiet for a while!”But Ouyang Susu, no matter what happens, must die!”

“He isn’t dead yet, how can I lead my team?”