Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7277

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7277, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7277

Early the next morning, Harvey York got up early and prepared some drinks.

He ran to Mandy Zimmer to check, and found that she was still asleep, so he didn’t disturb her.

Harvey York wondered if

Mandy Zimmer had to be sent first when the situation in Jiecheng became increasingly tense.

After all, Mandy Zimmer lives in Jiecheng, and to a certain extent, the risk factor is very high.

Although Rachel Hardy can guarantee his safety to a certain extent, no one can guarantee that there will not be a master stronger than Rachel Hardy who attacks and

killed Mandy Zimmer.

With this in mind, Harvey York neatly booked a flight ticket to Shangri-La for Mandy Zimmer, and prepared to send Mandy Zimmer away today.

But just as Harvey York finished this and was waiting for Mandy Zimmer to wake up, his phone suddenly vibrated violently.

After answering the phone, Ouyang

Susu on the other side told him that something had happened to Bai Jinhan yesterday.

After Harvey York frowned for a moment, he told Rachel Hardy to send Mandy Zimmer away at all costs, then he got in the car and headed to Baijinhan.

Soon, Harvey York came to Bai Jinhan, and was taken to a hidden vault.

This treasury was not that big, only dozens of square meters, surrounded by cast reinforced concrete that was as solid as a rock.

However, currently, the entire vault was empty, as if it had been emptied overnight.

Seeing this trace, Harvey York frowned slightly.

Ouyang Susu said slowly: “I know that Chen Yulan has a private vault in Bai Jinhan,

but I never found it.”

“Unexpectedly, last night someone acted first and vacated this place.”

“I think, apart from the priceless original assets of this place, the most important thing is that the original ledger has disappeared!”

“The ledger not only records the dividend information of Bai Jinhan’s various shareholders, but…

most importantly, the ledger must record some suspicious transactions.”

“It was supposed to be the best weapon against Chen Yulan, but now…”

Because of this, Ouyang Susu’s voice became a little deeper.

Harvey York simply handed over this place to him, only to let him use Bai Jinhan as a knife to stab

the hearts of Chen Tiangang and others.

But just now, he lost his best opportunity.

Harvey York didn’t rush, but smiled and said, “We didn’t know about this place before.”

“As for Chen Yulan, before handing Bai Jinhan to me, she must have been very confident in her heart. He felt that he could take Bai Jinhan back deeply

shortest possible time, so he didn’t bother taking these things.” !”

“However, now he is asking someone to transfer the goods

-this stuff overnight.”

“Then that shows one thing, which is that he is afraid. He knew that he would never get Bai Jinhan back, so he had to take these things.”

Harvey York is not angry at all,

instead he analyzed Ouyang Susu like he was releasing a cocoon.

Hearing Harvey York’s words, Ouyang Susu took a deep breath, but there was still a trace of regret in her expression: “If I had known earlier…”

Harvey York shrugged and said, “Actually, we don’t need to know what’s in the ledger at all.”

“We just need to know that there is a hidden ledger in this place, and that will be enough.”

“I believe that with your ingenuity, you will definitely be able to maximize the benefits of this matter.”

Ouyang Susu was slightly taken aback, then nodded slowly.