Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7279

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7279, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.


After a few minutes, the smell of blood in the office disappeared.

Harvey York narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression a little dignified.

Initially, according to his conclusion,

at this time, Chen Tiangang and the others must not make any more moves.

But unexpectedly, a murderer still appeared.

However, Ouyang Susu did not delve into the meaning of this matter, instead, she suddenly calmed down.

After a long time, Ouyang Susu said in a deep voice: “Young Master York, if my guess is correct, Chen Tiangang will reveal all his trump cards

on the high priest’s birthday, and officially took up the position.”

“This time you don’t touch you, they will hold the peace for a while.”

“And letting the murderer kill me means being prepared to warn the people around them, so that no one will continue to betray.”

“It’s just that Chen Tiangang made it

error. Since I actually left, there has been a big gap in his camp…”

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Susu took out a document that had been prepared long ago and handed it to Harvey York.

After Harvey York opened it and looked at it for a while, a strange color appeared in his eyes.

It can only be said that Chen Tiangang’s abandonment of Ouyang Susu was definitely a loss

biggest for him.

And this evidence also made Harvey York clear that on the high priest’s birthday, the entire Jiecheng would never be peaceful.

So after leaving Bai Jinhan, regardless of Mandy Zimmer’s objections, Harvey York simply asked Rachel Hardy to protect Mandy Zimmer and left.

But Harvey York himself thought that after the pastor’s birthday

high was over and all Jiecheng’s affairs were settled, he could leave.

Soon, the high priest’s birthday came as scheduled.

Although the High Priest’s birthday was not as exciting as imagined due to the return of the ultimate five-sword King, the high-ranking officials from all over Jiecheng, including the seven families, still gathered in the High Priest’s Palace to celebrate the High Priest’s birthday. . .

No matter how many factions there are in Jiecheng, but on such an important day, it is still necessary to make a gesture to make the outside world feel that Jiecheng is still the Jiecheng of the past.

Therefore, on the high priest’s birthday, the whole city was very lively.

Jiecheng’s self-media and Internet have also maximized many people’s mobile phones.

“Sister York, the high priest is not an ordinary person.”

In the Land Rover car heading to the priest’s palace, Ma Yuanshao spoke quietly at this time.

“If the teacher doesn’t come back, to a certain extent, he is the most powerful person in the entire Jiecheng.”

“If you give him another ten or half years, even if

the teacher is back, it might be useless.”

“Fortunately, the teacher came back on time.”

“However, it is still very difficult to completely eliminate the influence of the high priest in Jiecheng.”

When he said this, Ma Yuanshao’s expression was very emotional.

“Not necessarily, it’s a birthday party

it is destined not to be peaceful.”

Harvey York smiled and spoke lightly.

“Other than the High Priestess and Dao City Lord I think there are quite a few people who want to jump up and down at this birthday banquet.”

“Just watch the show with me in a while.”

“I will do the best

to protect you well.”

“Sister, you are really my brother! No, no, you are even closer than my brother!”

Ma Yuanshao tergerak.

“Don’t worry, I will never leave your side no matter what.”

Harvey York smiled, changed the subject and said, “Di

where are Lord Dao City and your sister?”

“Why don’t I see anyone?”

Ma Yuanshao said: “Master and senior sister had gone to the priest’s palace a few days ago. On the one hand, it is because of their special identity, on the one hand, and on the other hand, there are some things that need to be negotiated first.”