Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7280

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7280, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7280

“After all, for such an important event, it’s better to resolve some misunderstandings between both parties before the event starts rather than creating problems during the event, right?”

Ma Yuanshao explained carefully.

“By the way, brother, why haven’t I seen Miss Mandy Zimmer?”

“A crowded place like today is also a place to get to know the rich and powerful.”

“For him, this is a great opportunity to socialize!”

Harvey York said lightly, “At first he didn’t have much contact with Jiecheng, and his business didn’t have much contact

with Jianghu and martial arts.”

“So I don’t want him to be involved in this problem. I told him to leave a few days ago.”

Ma Yuanshao was a little surprised when he heard those words, then nodded and said, “It’s okay.”

“By the way, Brother York, you took Bai Jinhan’s matter before, and Chen Tiangang and

the others swallowed it like this?”

“Haven’t you bothered me lately?”

Harvey York said lightly, “They have bothered Ouyang Susu, but they have not bothered me.”

“However, I don’t think this problem will be left to chance.

It is estimated that everything will start after the high priest’s birthday banquet is over.”

“Of course, maybe also at the birthday banquet, they will make trouble.”

Speaking of this, Harvey York shrugged indifferently.

Jiecheng looks calm, but all storms are destined to meet today.

Even though I’m just that person

passing by, if someone wants to use the situation to make things difficult for me, I don’t mind using the representative authority of the Martial League of Great H Country.

“Brother York, you better be careful.”

Ma Yuanshao seemed a little worried.

“The others are fine. Chen Tiangang had always been stubborn and…

feel destined to be the boss.”

“Your existence, from a certain perspective, has ruined his plans.”

“So he definitely won’t let you go.”

“I just don’t know what method he will use.”

“Also, the military advisor next to him is Lin Wuwu.”

“This person looks the same as that boy, but his thoughts are always evil.”

“Perhaps, they are ready to attack now.”

Before Ma Yuanshao finished speaking, Harvey York suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out his left hand and pressed the car’s shift button.

The Land Rover that was driving slowly suddenly stopped at the current location.

Almost at the same time, a Mercedes-Benz big G drove in from the side, crashing into the front of the Land Rover.

There was a loud noise, and several luxury cars approached from behind, blocking the front, rear, left, and right lanes of the Land Rover.

Ma Yuanshao’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he realized something.

“Bastard, how do you drive? I don’t know if my aunt will take this path?”

“Aren’t you going to avoid it?”

In the leading Mercedes-Benz, a man and a woman jumped out, and behind, more than a dozen people got out of the car.

Harvey York narrowed his eyes and

turned his head, then a strange look appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Murong Yanran dan Jin Hawke?

These two men had bandages on their hands at the moment, and they looked very embarrassed, but at this time, they had confident expressions.

Harvey York rolled down the car window and said calmly, “What’s wrong with you two?”

“Of course there is something! And that’s a big deal!”

Murong Yanran had a smug look on her face at the moment.

“Grandma, I got a tip that the Moses staff we stole earlier is in this car!”