Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7285

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7285, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7285

“Everyone, according to the rules of Jiecheng, whoever is the representative of the Great H Country Martial League will be the ruler of the next generation of Jiecheng!”

“Wujue City Lord you also took a position because of this first.”

“Won’t you

deny it?”

At this moment, Jonathan Leduc looked at Dao Wujue, who was admired by all the stars.

“I think, on today’s occasion, Harvey York should be named!”

“Only with a fixed name can Jiecheng be safe!”

“There is nothing more important in the world

besides this!”

Speaking of this, Harvey York raised his hand and shouted: “Congratulations to Representative York!

Congratulations to Jiecheng!”

Among the crowd, many people representing the top ten families and five ancient clans stood up.

“Congratulations on behalf of York!”

“Congratulations to Jiecheng!”

Dao Wujue’s eyes became extremely sharp at this moment, and his eyes fell on Harvey York as if he wanted to know whether Harvey York was in control of this matter.

Harvey York’s expression was indifferent, but at the same time, there was a slight sigh in his heart.

Today’s game is hard to understand!

“Jonathan Leduc, shut up, do

You are crazy?”

The young priest on one side reacted at this time and roared.

“Jiecheng’s affairs will naturally be decided by Jiecheng, and the matters of the young city lord will be handled by the high priest and wujue sword city lord!”

“You are an outsider, but you came here to do something like that!?”

“I warn you, don’t talk nonsense! Otherwise, don’t blame me for not giving the Leduc family face!”

While speaking, the young priest waved his hand, and all the priests who were targeting Harvey York rushed forward.

Jonathan Leduc smiled slightly, he didn’t need to do anything, someone naturally came out of the crowd and blocked him.

Chen Tiangang couldn’t hold back at this moment, he raised his hands forward and said coldly: “Jonathan Leduc

, what exactly do you want to do?”

“The high priest’s birthday.”

“You Leduc family came here to cause trouble?”

“Do you think Jiecheng is


“I warn you, I will give you a moment to take back what I just said, otherwise, I, Chen Tiangang, will represent the priest today and ask you to give me an explanation!”

While speaking, Chen Tiangang waved his hand, and everyone bowed.

Chen Disha also brought people


At this moment, Chen Tiangang vomited blood in his heart.

He and Jonathan Leduc were more or less friends, and there should be a tacit understanding between them.

Even though Jonathan Leduc wanted to kill Harvey York, Chen Tiangang was very happy.

But he was too aware of Harvey York’s methods. With Jonathan Leduc’s move, what if Harvey York could counterattack desperately and take the lead?

So Chen Tiangang would not agree no matter what.

Even Ouyang Susu, Dao Baifeng and others came out, looking at Jonathan Leduc: “Young Master Leduc, stop talking nonsense.”

Seeing that he immediately became a loser, Jonathan Leduc’s expression remained peaceful.

He put his hands behind his back, smiled slightly, and said: “Everyone, although I, Jonathan Leduc, may not be considered a good person, I have one good thing about me, that is, I will do as I say!”

“This time, I have worked very hard to come to Jiecheng, and I will achieve my goal no matter what.”

“Besides, my main goal is not to want Jiecheng to fall apart!”

Speaking of this, Jonathan Leduc turned his head to the side and said, “Could it be that you all want Jiecheng to continue to be in chaos?”

“Or do you mean the members of the seven families all want to be


Such words could be called extremely heartbreaking.

“Jonathan Leduc, stop talking nonsense here!”

Chen Tiangang’s face was ugly.

“It’s not like you represent the top ten families, Harvey York is the Young City Lord!”