Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7286

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 7286, read free english novels. The Supreme Harvey York full story.

Chapter 7286

Jonathan Leduc laughed loudly: “Young Master Chen, don’t worry!”

“Since I dare to represent the top ten families, five ancient clans and four pillars, I will support you fully in the name of the superiors!”

“Then there must be sincerity and sufficient means…”


“There he is!”

At this moment, a voice that was indifferent but contained an aura of superiority that made people almost kneel down could not be suppressed.

Soon after, people could be seen surging, and several figures came out from behind.

Harvey York narrowed his eyes and looked at the bodyguards around Harvey York. Many of them flew under such aura, and when they fell to the ground, they all vomited blood.

These people’s expressions were very painful, with expressions of struggle.

Immediately afterwards, eight people in bright yellow robes surrounded Harvey York, Jonathan Leduc and


“This is a great day for this priest, it is a rare happy day of the year, and you, Jonathan Leduc, dare to cause trouble?”

Soon, the voice came again, and then a woman in a white robe, whose age could not be seen, appeared.

Her face was peerless, with the charm that a

a middle-aged woman.At the same time, the red mole between her eyebrows gave her a sense of mystery and majesty.

He appears like this, squinting at Jonathan Leduc.

“High Priest!”

Seeing him appear, everyone present bowed to greet him.

Even Dao Wujue had no choice but to step forward and nod.

Jonathan Leduc also had a strange expression at this time, but he was still polite, and smiled at this time: “Priest!”



Before Jonathan Leduc finished speaking, the high priest had

slapped Jonathan Leduc back, replying to all the words Jonathan Leduc said later.

However, Jonathan Leduc seemed to have long expected the high priest’s reaction. He did not change his expression, but smiled and said: “If the high priest is not happy, continue!”

“Slap… –“


The high priest was not used to it at all, and slapped him again

with the back of his hand.

This time, Jonathan Leduc staggered back after being beaten.

But he still had a smile on his face, without any hatred.


The high priest continued to step forward, throwing more than a dozen slaps with his forehand and backhand.

“On this day of the priest’s great joy, there were so many guests inside and outside. If you make trouble in public like this, do you think there is no one in our Jiecheng, or do you think I have no face?”


Jonathan Leduc ignored the redness and swelling on his face, instead he smiled and said, “High Priest, calm down,

please don’t be angry, High Priest Jonathan knows very well who you are!”

“Even if you lend me a day to be brave, I don’t dare to cause trouble, I don’t dare to act wildly!”

“It’s just that Jiecheng’s rules are like this. For thousands of years, the representative of the Martial League of Great Country H has been the young master of Jiecheng!”

“This is a matter of ancient and modern China and foreign countries!”

“Our top ten families, five ancient clans, and four pillars are all unwilling to see someone in our generation cause chaos in Jiecheng and change the rules of the young city lord of Jiecheng because of selfishness!”

“High Priest, we can assure you that we have no personal interest in this matter! We only have the public’s heart!”

When he said this, Jonathan

Leduc has a sincere and humble attitude.

However, when watching this scene, Harvey York’s eyes showed a hint of solemnity.

Someone like Jonathan Leduc , in a place like that, is so humble…

Is this really condescending?