Hero Of Heart 5559

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade 5559

The moment Joseph Wan tapped on the keyboard with his fingertips, the three doors had already locked Jarvis’ melee defensive weapon, and immediately turned the pitch-black barrel.

Immediately after that, shells with a caliber of 30 mm were shot from the eighteen barrels of the three guns in an instant!

A large number of warheads instantly penetrated the camouflaged glass room, and according to the ballistics called Death’s Kiss, an almost mad flame was sprayed at Jarvis!

The speed of bullets and bullets is faster than the speed of sound, but at close range, the speed is not obvious.

Under normal circumstances, if someone is denounced hundreds of meters away, he should be shot first before hearing his voice.

However, Jarvis had been carefully observing the surroundings, as the speed of light was much faster than the speed of sound and the muzzle velocity of the bullet,

Jarvis had discovered that the building he had neither heard a sound nor been hit by the melee defensive artillery

The three glass rooms above shattered at the same time, and flames that were at least one or two meters long spewed out from each glass room!

At this moment, he instantly realized that he had encountered an ambush!

Moreover, his keen senses had noticed that in the three glass chambers, a large number of extremely fast and powerful warheads had been fired at him, and each warhead was threatening!

And by this time, Jarvis was already freaking out!

In an instant, he expended the spiritual energy in his body instantly, and dashed desperately to his right!

However, these three melee defensive weapons are only a few hundred meters away from him, even if the speed of sound and the initial speed of the bullet are far slower than the speed of light,

AK-630’s initial speed is close. in a defensive weapon as high as 900 meters per second, therefore, at such a short distance, the remaining reaction time for Jarvis was even less than half a second!

Even though Jarvis was already running with all of his strength, he still realized sadly that his current position and the position ahead where he wanted to escape were all covered by that extremely fast warhead.

This also meant that it would be impossible for him to escape!

At this time, Jarvis felt very irritated in his heart. He never expected that with his own cultivation, he would be so sad to confess here!

Even more tragic, the speed of the AK-630’s short-range anti-aircraft projectiles is more than twice the speed of sound.

Jarvis didn’t even hear the cannon, and the projectile had already hit him in the face.

Jarvis only felt countless objects whizzing by his side.

The next moment, there was a sharp pain in the knee joint of his right leg, and he immediately lost consciousness as his knee dropped!

The bullet from the anti-aircraft gun had just hit the knee of his right leg.

The bullet could even penetrate three finger thick armor, and Jarvis’ body couldn’t take it at all.

Therefore, this shot directly shattered his right knee joint, and his right calf and right leg were thrown into the air.

Jarvis only felt his center of gravity suddenly disappear, and his whole body fell uncontrollably towards the right front, but before his body even had time to land, he felt the right side of his body being hit hard one after another.

He subconsciously looked down, and the whole person was immediately frightened out of his wits!

Right now, where is my body?

His body, as well as his entire lower body, had almost completely disintegrated into bone, flesh and blood!

Then, he felt his head spin suddenly.

At the moment of turning, he saw that his neck had been broken by a shell, and the huge force was like a spinning top, directly flying his head in the air!

What was worse was that before his body could hit the ground, it had already been shattered into pieces…

It was then that Jarvis knew that after a human’s head was cut off,

in the first moment, at least in that brief half second, he would not lose consciousness for the time being.

His brain can still think, his eyes can still see, and his ears can still hear the loud sound of shells!

Jarvis’ final consciousness was filled with anger and reluctance.